Chapter 37

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Killian's POV

Its been a week and I have been really worried about Emma and Chelsea. They both have been acting so strange lately. I understand why Chelsea is the way she is, but this issue has effected Emma as well its put a huge strain on our family.

"Daddy, why is sissy so sad?" Keith asks.

"Because sissy had to leave her baby for awhile thats why she is sad." I tell him.

"Hey Dad. Im going." Chelsea says.

"Okay. Im going to need you back by noon." I say.

"Why?" She asks.

"Just please be back by then." I say.

"Yeah okay." She says and walks out.

"Hey Killian my mom is crying in the bathroom and she locked the door." Henry tells me.

"Okay lad. Watch Keith." I say and walked upstairs.

I knocked on the bathroom door waiting for Emma to open it.

"Go away." She says crying

"Swan its me open up." I say.

She slowly opened the door and pulled me inside.

"Killian, do you love me?" She asks.

"Swan, I love you very much. Now why are you crying?" I ask.

"I got a call from my dad. My aunt got worse. They dont think she will last much longer." She says.

"Emma you should go see her." I say.

"Thats what my dad says. They are leaving tomorrow and will be there until she passes away. They think I should go with them, but I cant leave." She says.

"Swan, you need to see your aunt. You can take Henry with you and if you want I'll come too." I say.

"I cant leave Chelsea alone with her baby in the NICU. She will be there for 3 or 5 more weeks and I know its killing her Killian." She says.

"Hey you go see your aunt. Take Henry and you know what take Keith. I'll stay here with Chels. Okay." I say.

"Okay." She says.

"Oh its almost noon. Chelsea will be home soon." I say pulling Emma out of the bathroom.

"Killian whats going on?" She asks.

"Just wait." I say.

"What do you mean wait? This family is going through alot right now." She says.

"I know, but I have one thing planned that will make today better." I tell her.

"Dad Im here. Why did I have to leave my baby?" Chelsea asks walking in.

"Because I wanted to have all of you here when I do this." I say.

"Wait do what?" Emma asks.

"I have been planning this for awhile, but I didnt know how to do it. I know we rushed into a relationship, but we have been through alot. So Emma Swan, would you do me the honor and marry me?" I ask getting down on one knee.

"Oh Killian. Yes I will marry you." She says and kisses me.

"Awesome." Henry says.

"Emma is going to be my mommy now?" Keith asks.

"Yes she will be." I say.

"Look Im really happy for you both, but I would like to be with my baby." Chelsea says.

"Hey wait...The nurse told me is that you finally named her." Emma says.

"So what is the new little Jones's whole name?" I ask.

"Her name is...." Chelsea says.

Okay guys I have two names and I cant decide between them. So Im going to need you help.

The names to choose from are:

Jacey Rose Jones


Raelyn Emma Jones.

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