Chapter 23

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Killian's POV

I waited at the docks for Emma and she was running alittle late. When she did walk up she had Chelsea with her.

"Swan?" I question.

"Just one sec." She says.

It looked as if she was telling Chelsea to stay there. She then walked over to me and smiled.

"Swan.. Whats going on?" I ask.

"Oh Im taking Chelsea this morning to know what adoption is really about and if its something that might be the right choice." She tells me.

"Well thats quite a thing. Anyway I bet you wanna know why I asked you to meet me here." I say.

"Yeah kinda." She says.

"Well I was going to say that I feel like Im not quite okay with moving on from Milah right now, but thats not how I feel when Im with you at all. Emma I love you so much." I tell her.

"Aww Killian I love you too and I get how you feel I feel the same way, but Im sure its okay to move on. I mean we do have things going on now." She says.

"True. Well I just wanted you to know that. Even though I feel weird about moving on I cant help, but want to move on with you." I say.

"Killian thats how I feel towards you as well. Hey I have to get Chelsea to the place would you like to come with us?" I ask.

"No, thanks. I think this is best for mother and daughter to do this. I see you later though." I say and kiss her head.

Emma's POV

During the hole time listening to the ways adoption works and I could tell Chelsea wasnt paying any attention to what the lady was staying. After it was over Chelsea just seemed very mad about it like I forced her to go.

"Hey whats wrong?" I ask her.

"Nothing." She lies.

"Come on talk to me." I say.

"Its Reese. He thinks that he has to prove a point to his dad. That he can handle all this. He told me just not to even think about adoption." She tells me.

"But your not sure yet. Look I think the best thing for you to do is tell him that he cant make the choice to keep the child because he wants to prove a point. It has to be whats best for all of you. Is it best for you? Is it best for him? Is it best for this family? Is it best for the baby? These are questions that you both have to ask." I tell her.

"Yes and I know that. How did you make the choice to keep me?" She asks.

"Well your father and I talked about it for months and for a long time we knew we wanted to keep you, but we considered adoption. We even meet some people who were wanting to adopt a baby, but it didnt feel right for us." I say.

"Then maybe thats what we need to do. Mom can you set something up for us?" She asks.

"Yeah I will." I say.

"And when you do can you and dad join us please?" She asks.

"Sure thing. Now why dont you go talk to Reese about this. I will see you later." I tell her.

After she left I went over to Killian's house and saw him on his porch, but he wasnt alone.

"Emma, you remember Ursula Sea right?" He asks.

How can I forget the one that turned Killian and I against each other. After we had Chelsea all because she loved Killian. Why the hell us she back here?

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