Chapter 9

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Killian's POV

For the last couple days I have been at the house with maybe 10 women and my kids wernt around. Im fine that Milah has passed away really Im fine. I was on my way to Granny's when I bumped into Dr.Hopper.

"Killian Jones just the man I was looking for can we talk?" He asks.

"About what?" I question.

"Your daughter paid me a visit ad she is worried about you and Emma. I just wanted to offer you my help." He says.

"Archie thats nice, but I dont need help." I say.

"If you change your mind you'll know where I'll be." He says and walks away.

Have I took it to far? Nah!

Emma's POV

I was happy over the last couple days I have had nice nights with these guys and I couldnt be more happier. I was on patrol when I almost hit Archie with my car.

"Archie Im so sorry." I say.

"Its alright Emma. Hey Im glad to see you there is something I need to talk to you about." He says.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Chelsea paid me a visit and she is worried about you and Killian and I just want you to know if there is anything I can help with please let me know." He says.

"Archie, thats a nice offer, but Neal is gone and Im moving on with my life." I say.

"Well thats good, but if you ever need a someone to talk to you know where I'll be." He says.

I dont need any help Im fine. Yeah Im fine. I continued to lie to myself I wasnt fine so I made my way to Dr.Hopper's office and ran into Killian.

"Hey what are you doing here?" I ask him.

"Archie said if I need to talk he would talk to me." He says.

"Same here. I guess losing those two really messed us up." I say.

"Yeah. Is he in there with someone?" I ask.

"I dont know I just got here." He says.

The door opened and it was Archie letting out our daughter.

"I'll be with you guys in a minute. Now Chelsea remember this isnt your fault okay." Archie says to Chelsea.

"Well it feels like it is." She says.

"We will talk tomorrow okay." He says.

"Sure thing. Later." She says and walks away.

"Umm what the bloody hell was that?" Killian asks.

"I cant tell you. Now both of you come on in. I know it should be a separate thing, but I think since the two of you are going through the same thing it might help to hear what the other has to say. To make your lives better and easier to make the pain go away." Dr.Hopper tells us.

"Yeah I guess so. Swan you okay with it?" Killian asks.

"Yeah Im okay with it. Lets get talking." I say and walked into the room and sat on the couch.

This is should be good for Killian and I talking about this and being able to not be judged. This just might work and if not I can get pretty drunk after the session is over. Im sure Killian will do the same.

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