Chapter 29

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Killian's POV

Emma has been out of the hospital and is now fine. She is also spending time with her parents again which I think is a good thing.

"Hey Killian." Ursula says walking over to me.

"Look like I told you a couple weeks ago Im with Emma and Im happy." I say.

"Killian you told me you wernt happy with her." She says.

"At the time I was in a fight with her. Now Im with Emma and things are wonderful." I say.

"Killian that doesnt mean we cant have alittle fun." She says.

"That might have worked years ago, but not this time. It ruined my family and Emma lost trust, but now we are perfectly happy. I need to go." I say and walked away.

I went over to my brother's house and there was alot of fighting and Liam was sitting outside.

"They have been at it for hours." He tells me.

"Why are they fighting?" I ask.

"Well Reese think the baby should have his last name, but Chelsea doesnt want to. Thats why they are fighting." He says.

"Let me go see if I can stop the fighting." I say.

"Good luck. Emma is in there trying to stop it." He says.

I walked inside and Emma was holding Keith on the couch and all the yelling was in the kitchen.

"No luck making it stop?" I ask Emma.

"Nope. They wont quit." She says.

"Well let me try." I say.

"Okay goos luck." She says.

I went into the kitchen and the yelling was alot louder near them then outside or in the living room.

"Stop you two. Now why are you guys fighting?" I ask.

"Well he think I should.. No wait he wants to me to give the baby his last name and I dont want to." Chelsea says.

"Thats because your a stubborn bitch." Reese says.

"Hey. Dont talk to my daughter like that. This family took you in after you left your family. Now.. Chels why dont you want the baby to have his last name?" I ask.

"Well because he already said that no matter what he is leaving for College and that means I will be talking care of her alone and I dont like the idea of his name for her last name if all he will do is leave." She says.

"Your stupid." Reese says.

"Hey I told you not to talk to her like that and Chelsea has all the right to give the baby the last name she wants." I say.

"I just dont see why you cant just listen. I just dont know how things can end up." Chelsea tells him.

"Look I just dont  agree with you thats all I dont care what your reasons are." He says to her.

"Then dont bother being around anymore. I dont even have to put you on the birth certificate." Chelsea says and walked out.

I went back to the living room and Emma looked at me concerned. I reaches out my hand for her and she took it. She got up and carried Keith out the door. When we got to Emma's Chelsea was crying in her room and Emma and I were worried.

"Should we check on her?" I ask.

"No. Henry is with her. Lets just give her some time alone and with her brother." Emma tells me.

Keith went to play and Emma just rested her head on my shoulder. I kissed the top of her head. I think Chelsea is making the right choice and I see where Reese is coming from. There are things more important to me right now. Like possibly the chance of asking Emma to move in with me. I think our family of Her, Me, Keith, Henry, Chelsea, and the baby should all be together. I just hope she feels the same way I do.

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