Chapter 28

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Emma's POV

Today I decided to go meet up with my parents. I needed to know what was going on and I think I need to just hear them out even though I might throw a fit.

"Swan.. You who?" Killian says.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"You okay. You look sick." He says.

"No Im fine. Im just worried about what my parents are gonna tell me." I say.

"Are you sure because your face is all red." He says.

"Im fine. Oh and thanks for the ride." I say and kiss his cheek.

I got out of his car and went inside my parents house. I sat on the couch as they walked up from the kitchen. I havent been in this house since I told them I was keeping Chelsea.

"We are so happy you came." My mom says.

"I just think its best you tell me whats going on." I say.

"Emma we wanted to see you because we missed you and your right something is going on. Your mother and I want you to be happy more then anything, but there is so bad news. We saw Ursula awhile back and she was with Killian and we know that she broke you two apart. Thats not why we wanted to talk to you. Hun your Aunt is really sick and she didnt know how to tell you so she told me to." My dad.

"Wait she's sick?" I ask.

"Yes Emma and your father tried to tell you the other day, but you just walked away." My mom says.

"Oh thats sad. Thanks for the update." I say.

"Thanks for actually coming." My dad says.

"Yeah." I say.

"Hey Em.. You dont look so good." My mom says.

"Mom Im fine. Im a grown women." I say.

"Emma you have a fever. You should get some rest." My mom says.

"Mom Im" I say but everything went dark.

I woke up in a hospital room it was spinning and Killian was in the room with me.

"Hey you." He says stroking my face with his finger.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Well you fainted. It turns out you have the flu and that you were dehydrated with also high stress levels. Emma all that together can be dangerous. Though your alright now love." He says.

"Ow." I say placing my hand on my head.

"Oh yeah also you hit your head really hard on the coffee table at your parents. You have been out for the past 12 hours." He says.

"You have been her that long?" I ask.

"Emma I spent almost 24 hours in a labor room with you when Chelsea was born. 12 hours of waiting was nothing." He says.

"You should go home. I'll be okay." I say.

"No Im not going anywhere. I staying with you." He says.

"You can get sick from me." I say.

"Actually I got the flu shot so I'll be fine. Now you get some sleep I'll text Chels and let her know your okay." He says.

"Thanks Killian." I say.

"No problem Swan." He says.

"Oh and Killian?" I question.

"Yeah Swan?" He asks.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too." He says and kisses my head.

Killian being around me and helping me is all I need. I just hope nothing breaks us apart.

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