Chapter 5

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Tori's POV

Ever since the day we watched 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them' - ever since Jun called me beautiful - we became closer. Even though I was closer with D.K and S.coups. Almost everyday at that time, Seventeen invited me to hang out with them. They even got to know my family! After the holiday, I went to the same school Seventeen did.

On my first day of school, Jun and Wonwoo took me to their class; since I was in the same homeroom as them. Jun looked as if he wanted to say something, when Wonwoo started a conversation with me. "Hey, so what did you think of the last movie we saw?"

"It was great! I loved Rogue One!" I replied, "Although, I wish Rey was there."

"Yeah, me too, she's awesome!" Wonwoo exclaimed.

We then started talking about the previous Star Wars movies. "Hold on," interrupted Wonwoo, "I think I left my book in my locker, I'll be right back."

I nodded at him and took more notice of my surroundings. My eyes scanned the room and as I did, I heard a lot of faint whispers from the other students.

"Now I finally have a good look at her."

"Wow, she's so pretty."

"Look at her eyes and hair."

"Why was she talking to Wonwoo for so long?"

"She looks American, but kinda has an Asian vibe."

"How do she and Wonwoo know each other already?'

I gave all of them a shy smile and a small wave. I wanted to introduce myself when I noticed a pair of glaring eyes. I was quite surprised at that time, because I thought that Jun and I were cool with each other. He quickly looked away from my eyes, but continued glaring, now at his clenched fists. His breaths were slightly heavy and sounded like a fire breathing dragon about to let out some flames.

"Jun what's wrong? Why do you look so angry all of a sudden?" I asked.

He ignored what I said and played with his hands again. 

"Jun-" I got cut-off my him.

"Just shush will you?" he hissed.

"What? I didn't do anything." I gave him a shocked, pitiful look.

Jun's POV

Uh, yes, you did. You let out the green snake of jealousy to come and bite me right in the heart. AGAIN!

I thought. Of course, I didn't actually say that to her.

I always knew Wonwoo as that emo, quiet guy, but when he was with Tori, he was so happy and talkative. Did every guy she met want to take away her attention? I found that really annoying, as one shouldn't simply keep someone else's attention all to themselves: that would be selfish. Unless, of course, they were going out; Wonwoo and Tori weren't dating, thankfully.

Aww... you really like her don't you?

Said the voice in my head.

What?! No! I just think it's selfish to take someone's attention if you just started to be friends.

Pfft, sure.

Yes, I'm sure. Plus, I don't know if Vic and Wonwoo are even friends. I only saw them talking with each other sometimes. I bet I've talked with her more!

Ooh, someone's jealous~

I was about to argue back with myself, when Tori interrupted my thoughts.

"Earth to Jun, are you there?" She waved her hand in front of my face, which I put down. She gave me a questioning look, as if she expected an answer from me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I answered, more stern than I intended.

"Jun, why were you-" Another interruption, that time from Wonwoo.

"Tori, I found it!" He plopped back to his seat next to Victoria. "So, back to our conversation."

Could you believe that guy? Couldn't he see that Vic and I were talking? How inconsiderate of him. Because of that and I didn't want to leak more harsh words out, I got up, took my bag and moved to the empty seat south-west of Tori.

I glanced at Tori and saw what seemed like a saddened look in her eyes. I regretted saying that and moving away from her, but when I wanted to move back and tell her I'm sorry, our homeroom teacher burst in the classroom.

"Sorry, I'm late." She apologized.

"We forgive you," our class perfunctorily responded.

Our teacher introduced Victoria. When she did, it seemed to lighten the mood of the class. I noticed some guys smiling at each other. Another even wolf-whistled when Tori ran her fingers through her long bangs, that reached to her cheek, to get it out of her face.

If anyone bothers Tori, I promise I WILL give them a good beating
I thought to myself.

You know, it's pretty obvious you're jealous.

Jealousy | Wen Junhui [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now