Chapter 8

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After school, Seventeen invited Winter and I to come over and hang out. Thankfully, our parents didn't mind.

"Winter!" Joshua excited.

"Joshua!" Winter copied his tone.

"Heyy," S. Coups trailed. He reached out his arm to give me a side hug, but quickly put them down. I liked hugs and all, but I didn't feel comfortable if they were from guys outside my family.

"Heyy," I imitated his tone.

"Oh are they here already?" Mingyu asked from the kitchen.

"No, they're strangers we found on the street, who so happened to share the same name with Tori and Winter, and we invited them over," Vernon called back, sarcastically.

"Hansol, please," Wonwoo said, a little bit firmly.

"Ooh, Noonas show us your dancing skills!" Dino slightly squeaked, "Vernon told us you danced well!"

"Haha, no, but I bet Winter would love to," I mused.

She shot me a glare, and to our annoyance, everybody chanted, "Dance, dance, dance." Winter slapped Joshua's shoulder as he nudged her to the empty area, where we were to dance. He gave her an innocent smile, whilst I whispered, "I ship it." I could tell they both had a thing for each other, even though Winter used his name a lot instead of God's name.

"Dance Mansae!"

"No! Do Gee!"

"Guys let them pick!" D.K suggested.

Winter and I decided to do Sorry, Sorry by Super Junior. Everyone sang while Winter and I danced. I nearly slipped, dancing the last refrain. I don't think anyone noticed, hopefully. Some of them stopped singing to whoop when we did the arm movements in the last part.

"That was awesome!" D.K congradulated, while patting my shoulder. No surprise, I saw Jun's glare.

The voice in my head said in a sing-song voice.

Mingyu finally served us the fish he made. We gathered around the table, prayed, then ate. While everyone ate, D.K tried to feed me more rice after I finished my food the fastest.

"Here, eat more! I don't want you to end up annorexic!" He tried to shove the spoonful of rice into my mouth.

"No," I replied, stubbornly.

I noticed Jun's eyes burned with anger. No one else noticed, as they chatted and joked with each other. He looked as if he could flip the table, or throw his spoon at us. Thankfully, he carried on eating.

"Oh guys, remembered the thing?" Hoshi emphasized the word 'thing.'

"Oh yeah," remembered Jeonghan.

"What thing?" Winter and I asked at the same time.

"It's a surprise," S. Coups replied, "we'll go get it, while you two stay here."

Winter and I looked at them skeptically, as they were leaving. "Jun, you coming?" Jeonghan asked.

"I think I'll stay here," Jun said, almost automatically.

Great, the last thing I need is for Jun to be in the same room as me, at least Winter's here.
I thought

Jeonghan shrugged and exited with the others. Winter must've noticed the tension between Jun and I, since she broke the silence with, "I'm gonna explore the apartment, I'll be back."

I looked at her in shock and mouthed 'no, no, stay,' but she got up and left. I tried to grab her arm, but it was no use.

"So, you and D.K are now flirting with each other, interesting," he said, sinically.

"We are NOT flirting with each other," I replied firmly.

"So, why don't you two just stop then?! That way, other people won't think you're flirting!" He half growled, half yelled.

"If he's so special to you, then why don't you two just go out or something?! Unless, of course, you don't care about him that much."

That was when he pulled the last straw, I couldn't take it anymore, I let out the beast.


"Well, I wouldn't have said them if you'd, you'd," he tried to continue the sentence, while slightly glaring back.

"I'd what?!" I demanded.

"Ugh! It just really annoyed me, kay?!"

The arguement lasted for quite a while. I sighed quite heavily in an I-could-explode kind of way,"I tried to be kind and patient with you, why do you return it with more hurtful remarks?!"

"Because-" he paused. He softened his gaze.

Jun's POV


"Because?!" she half bellowed, half demanded

"Because, I'm jealous,"

"Jealous?!" She looked at me in a disgusted kind of way.

"Yes, because I-I..." I finished it with possibly last thing she thought I would say.

"I like you, Tori, ever since I first saw you I liked you. Everyday as I got to know you better, I liked you even more." My mouth and hands were trembling.

She scoffed sarcastically, "Jun this is not the right time for jokes."

"No, I'm not joking, I really do like you. I was jealous because D.K and S.coups actually had a chance with you," I confessed. "The truth is, I want to be with you. I want to make you happy, because you make me happy. Even just by looking at you I smile."

She scoffed again and folded her arms.

"It caused me so much agony as well. How I would constantly picture you with either one of them. I also couldn't stop thinking about you after I said those hurtful things, please forgive me," I added, a bit desperately. She looked at me the same way.

"Tori..." my eyes pleaded for forgiveness.

There was a long silence. I looked down at my shaking hands, then looked back at her and began, "I've been dying to ask this and I promise I'll make you happier if you accept it."

"Ask what?" She asked, uneasily.

"Will you go out with me?" I blurted.

She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at me in shock. "Jun, I'm sorry, but my answer is no," she rejected.

My jaw fell open, it was as if everything had shattered right infront of my eyes. I knew that she would reject me. I knew that was coming; it was so stupid of me to have actually had a slight ray of hope that she would say yes. After all I had done.

"I doubt I'll be happy, and I bet you I'm the last person who'll make you happy," She snapped.

I just stared at her the same way. Tori sighed and softened her gaze slightly.

"Jun, again I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way you do. You hurt me, you know, and now your asking me out? Forgive me, but no, I cannot accept you," She concluded.

Just as she turned to leave with her bag, I held out my arm, wanting to stop her or at least make her tarry a little while longer, but it was no use. She left without another glance.

She. Rejected. Me.

Jealousy | Wen Junhui [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now