Chapter 35

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"Follow me, baby." Seungcheol reached out his hand which I took in mine.

Walking backwards, still holding my hand, he led me into a building. The school's building precisely. As he led me deeper in the building, he stopped in front of a classroom, letting my hand go. A spark of orange and red caught my eye, developing into a sea of flames draping over anything it could consume. I was petrified. No matter how hard I tried to grab S.coups' arm and run, I couldn't.

"Seungcheol oppa!" I screamed, finally turning my gaze to him.

His expression was different from what it was before: he was crying. In his glossy eyes was a blood-curdling reflection of an ashen, beat up, and bloody girl looking straight back at me with the same brown eyes.

"Goodbye, Victoria..." Seungcheol enfeebled, before falling backwards into into the open arms of a pride of roaring flames.

I woke up abruptly to the sound of sequential drumming of the rain. I heaved out a sigh of relief.

It was only a nightmare

I could tell it was nighttime by the way the room was illuminated. My headache had stopped, leaving my mind too fatigued to think about my nightmare or remember what happened before I blacked out. The soft breathing next to me captured my attention. Jun's head lay on his folded arms on the side on my bed. He had strands of black hair sticking up, which I flattened as gently as I could with my shaky hand. But to no avail, he woke up, surprised yet lethargic. Jun had visible dark circles under his eyes, shortly rubbing them in attempt to sweep away the sleepiness.

"Are you okay? You seem troubled," he briefed.

"I'm fine; it was just a nightmare."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Jun listened as I told him about my dream. He seemed as shocked as I was when I just woke up. He rubbed my arm gently and reminded me that Seungcheol was alive and happy. Jun reminded me that I was still recovering from my trauma and that I was strong enough to overcome it, but that I also had the support of my family and friends.

I asked why he stayed late in the hospital; he answered that he and Seungcheol were taking care of me whilst my mom and Caleb slept and after Winter, Jennie, and my father left. I looked around to see if S.coups was asleep somewhere. All i saw was my mom asleep on the removable guest bed and Caleb on the couch lightly snoring. Jun noticed me looking around for my boyfriend.

"He left a while ago," he added.

I sleepily rubbed my eyes and told Jun that he could sleep on the armrest next to the couch Caleb was on.

"But what about your lunch/dinner?" Junhui questioned. "You haven't eaten the chicken I got for you."

He took the small box it was in along with chopsticks and brought it to me.

"Sorry, it's a bit cold."

I was about to take the chopsticks in my left hand since my right was hooked to the IV drip.

"Wait, maybe I should feed you."

"No, really it's fine. I can manage."

After countless persuasions, I finally gave in and let Jun feed me my chicken. He was like a mother feeding her sick child. Slowly and patiently, he fed the lukewarm chicken terriyaki to satisfy as my late dinner. Jun, although he didn't show it much, was fatigued as well from taking care of me earlier and from his uncomfortable sleeping position before I woke him up.

"There. All done," Jun concluded.

"Thank you, eomma," I thanked, chuckling.

Jun chuckled as he threw away the box and sat on the armchair. He scooted the chair closer to the side of my bed.

"Get some sleep, kiddo," he instructed, rubbing the corner of my mouth with a sheet of tissue.

"You too, Jun, nighty-night," I yawned.

"Goodnight, Tori."

Right after I pulled my blanket over my body, I heard an almost inaudible muffle, whispering 'I love you.' I thought that it was just a sign that I was tired and needed sleep. I silently prayed for a good night sleep, without any nightmares. That made me think back to the nightmare: did it have some sort of meaning or was it just an irrelevant dream?

Jealousy | Wen Junhui [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now