Chapter 44

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As the days passed, Winter, Caleb, and I little by little recovered from our physical injuries. Our bruises turned a sickly yellow color, but nonetheless blended against our skins better than the painful shade of blue. I decided not to be on speaking terms with Caleb, which didn't seem to be a problem for him either. Winter still threw death glares at him and refused to even stand in the same room as him for more than five seconds. Caleb only ever left his room to eat (very little) and drink. But if I hadn't dragged him out, Eunhyuk could've died of starvation.

I had talked to Seungcheol during those days, but only briefly. There was a hidden part of me, a mouse so quiet it scurried through my maze of stormy thoughts and planted the notion there without my notice. I couldn't seem to miss Seungcheol all that much. Maybe it was because we hadn't been apart for that long a time.

I walked out of my room, sick of looking at my phone screen staring back at me with distasteful eyes. It rejoiced when I finally turned my throbbing head; I felt my eyes melt back into polished glass when its dry surface was coated from the nipping heat.

I decided to throw myself onto the armchair in the living room and let my afternoon drowsiness take over me. Honey-golden sunlight peeked through the still curtains, thawing my frosted limbs. The balcony door was opened ajar, letting in a city breeze, as I heard nearby trees clapping to the symphony of the wind. Cars hummed to the songs conducted by the road; how badly I wanted to run away to a place with no jumbled up roads, but a scenic pasture that embraced you with freedom and serenity. Sadly life didn't agree with that plan.

For the first time in a long time, I felt an emotion that was hidden away during the time of frustration and sorrow. I was at ease. It gave me permission to sort my branched out brain and think things through. I instantly felt my face muscles relax and detach itself from whatever stress it clung to. My eyebrows sagged, closing my eyes to the airy atmosphere, entering one of complete quiet and darkness. I rested my head against the fading armrest and slowly glided to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of Winter calling my name, but then stopping abruptly upon realization that I was in no state of being bothered.

"Sorry, sorry," Winter apologized, sheepishly, "I was gonna ask what we'll eat for lunch."

"We'll cook ramyun," I croaked, sleepily.

"I-I'll do it," a voice offered, hoarse as if it hadn't been used in a long time.

Winter jumped and faced the lethargic boy. She glared at him intensely and scoffed caustically.

"Yeah, right, you'll burn down the whole building."

I felt slight pity for my brother; I wanted to defend him, but I knew he wasn't completely helpless.

"Just let him do it. Whatever." I waved my hand dismissively.

Soon, Caleb got straight to making our ramyun. I could tell Winter felt a little remorse for what she said to my brother, but she wouldn't throw away her pride and anger to admit it. Winter and I were having a hushed conversation when a foreign sound echoed loudly throughout the walls. Winter and raised our heads in alarm and turned to the direction of the yell. Caleb was sneezing because of the ramyun spice.


A clatter and crash of pans followed his intense sneezing.

"UHUM OOAHUMMYGOSH the ramyUN-" Caleb's sentence was interrupted by yet another fit of unusual sneezing.

Winter and I burst into fits of laughter. I swear I sprained a facial muscle guffawing. Winter laughed with so much force, she cried as she choked on her own remnants of laughter. It was impossible to see anything as I was laughing. As I was calming down, I caught Caleb smiling brightly in Winter's and my direction. His shy smile injected nostalgia into my veins, bringing back a time when smiles were common and true. And what a beautiful smile his was.

Jealousy | Wen Junhui [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now