Chapter 21

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The voice inside my head spoke.

You will not die today. No, not today.

I intertwined my fingers and pressed my hot palms against my tear-stained cheeks, cooling my palms down, as I began to say a prayer. After I ended the prayer, I tried covering my mouth and nose to shield it from the smoke as much as I could.

Just then I heard a distant voice calling out my name. The voice called out my name again, but that time was clearer. I couldn't distinguish whose voice it belonged to; but it sounded like a male's.

"Victoria!" the voice cried.

"Class 10c!" I croaked as loud as I could. "Help..." I added.

"Tori! I'm coming for you!"


Just then a silhouette of a tall male got bigger and bigger as it dashed to the room I was in. Through half open eyes, I could finally tell who my rescuer was.


He widened his eyes as he dropped on all fours and scurried towards me. He hurriedly put a piece of cloth, that he was using, around my face to block out the smoke.

"Shh, it's okay, I'm here. You'll be safe," Jun cooed, with a shaky tone.

I didn't notice how much I was trembling until Jun slid his arms under my back and knees. I let out a seethed screech when Juns hand came in contact with the side of my knee - my skin hurt from the heat.

"I'm so sorry," Jun apologized, his voice unsteady. "Please, I need to get you out."

He picked me up - not that effortlessly but not with difficulty either - and darted as fast as he could towards the exit. Despite carrying a load, Jun managed to duck as low as he could to keep from inhaling as much carbon dioxide as possible. I let my arm dangle on my side as I lay helplessly in Juns arms.

I finally turned my head upwards to look at him. From the minute holes in the cloth, I could make out his expression. Juns face was so determined - determined to get us both out - yet he was terrified; he didn't want to lose me.

"Jun..." I breathed, weakly.

I was surprised when he briefly looked down at me then back ahead. The sweat on his face giving off an illuminating glow. His chest pumped up and down faster.

"We're almost out, don't worry. We'll make it," he panted.

The dizziness in my head started to grow and I let the sea of darkness wash through me.

Juns POV

I felt my heart stop. Tori fell unconscious; her limp body melting against my arms. Panic bubbled in me as I thought that I had lost her.

Her. The girl I was head over heels for. Her: the girl I couldn't have but couldn't seem to let go of. I scrutinized Tori's limp body, in desperate search for any sign of living. Anything. Relief caught up with me as Tori's stomach was still moving up and down.

Finally I spotted the exit; I also spotted some men in yellow suits. Firefighters. They immediately sprinted towards the unconscious Tori in my arms and me. A tall firefighter took Tori from my arms and another wrapped a piece of cloth around my lower face, supported me from the side, and led us out of the building. I didn't realize how exhausted I was from all the running, ducking, and carrying at the same time. I leaned all my weight against the firefighter, who practically dragged me to the area everyone was gathered. When I arrived along with Tori and the firefighters, there were several gasps from people. The fireman who brought me to safety sat me down gently on the grass.

There were several people there, many sitting on the grass in groups, barely injured. There were nurses treating the minor injuries. Those with more serious injuries were rushed to the ambulances. Tori was laid on the grass next to me while the doctors and firefighters tried to find an extra bed to lay Tori on, and bring her to the hospital.

I wrapped my arms around Tori and buried my ashen face in her hair. I shook uncontrollably and could even feel her shaking because of my arms. Tori's breathing slowed. That was when panic practically suffocated me.

"Tori, baby, don't leave me... please," I begged, feeling hot tears building up fast.

I let the waterworks flow as I clutched the girl tightly. I cried into her hair, some dripping and sliding on her ashen face. Her petite, pointed nose was very red - redder than usual. I hated seeing her like that: weak and suffering. I hated the fact that Vic was possibly in the worst condition among the other victims of the fire.

What did she do to deserve this?
I mentally cursed no one in particular.

Someone tried to take Vic out of my clutches, but I resisted. Pairs of arms held me back and also tried to separate Tori from me.

"Jun, she needs to get to the hospital," a voice informed and pleaded at the same time.

"Let go, Jun."

I finally released the girl. As soon as I did, I gripped the arm of the person who squatted next to and held me. I continued to cry into the persons shoulder as they hugged me tight and caressed my hair.

"She'll be okay," the person comforted. I recognized his voice, it was Minghao's.

The other guys - whom I found out were Vernon, Caleb, Jeonghan hyung, and Seokmin - sat around me and enveloped all of us in a hug. I really needed that.

Jealousy | Wen Junhui [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now