Chapter 27

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After the whole confession session with S.coups, we started talking about a few things. Soon Winter and the rest of the bunch came back. Minghao was joined with the bunch, which surprised me. I noticed Joshua wasn't with the rest.

"Win-win, where's Joshua?" I asked.

That question seemed to have brought her uneasiness, as she mouthed 'later.' I nodded in response, but the question  sparked an interest in others.

"Yeah, where is he?" Jennie mused, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Bathroom," Winter simply stated.

The bunch and I decided to watch a movie to kill time, waiting for the others. We watched Mean Girls while reminiscing our childhood. When Kady was introducing herself to her new class, Jun and Joshua walked in.

"Hey, Jun and Joshua!" I greeted.

Jun and Joshua looked at me and smiled, waving back. Both of their eyes were tainted with some emotion, but was rubbed off as they met the eyes of the others. Jun's eyes sparkled when his met mine. He grinned ear to ear and made his way towards me. Seokmin and Seungkwan scooted away to make room for Jun to stand beside me. I reached out my hand slowly, which he shakily took. I felt the warmth in his hand; weirdly it was warmer than Seungcheol. He then sat on the back half of DK's chair, Jun's smile never leaving his face.

His eyes looked so caring as well as excited. I had forgotten that that was the Jun who was jealous. I was informed by Vernon a while back that Jun was a determined person; didn't give up easily. He also didn't give up on people easily. Vernon also added that his hyung never had feelings towards anyone before - he was still new to those feelings, and assured me that Jun wasn't a yandere. He deeply cared for people who were special to him.

"How are you feeling?" Jun whispered excitedly.

"A little sore, but great!" I whispered back.

"I- we all missed you," he informed.

I muttered a 'thank you' before Vernon interupted us:

"Could you two love-birds keep it down? We're watching a movie," he shushed.

I noticed Seungcheol turn his head slightly towards Jun and I  and lightly glare. Jun blushed and looked down a bit, letting go of my hand. I, too, lowered my bandaged arm and fixated my gaze to the movie.

From the corner of my eye I could see Seungcheol sneaking glances at me. When I was sure he was looking at me, I turned my head to meet his eyes. I raised my eyebrow and slightly smirked as he gave me a soft smile and turned back to the movie.

After the movie ended, the group bid their goodbyes and left (except for Winter).

"Tori, I have something to tell you..." Winter began after everyone left.

"Is it related to what happened before?" I questioned.

"And there's something else you need to know."

She proceeded to fill me in on what happened with Joshua. I gasped when she told me that she rejected him. I was really shipping them. But then after she told me the thing that wasn't related to the whole drama with Joshua, I felt my heart stop in shock.


Jealousy | Wen Junhui [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now