Chapter 11

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Jun's POV

"You two boys will clean up the classrooms every day for a week to serve as your detention."

Jungkook and I groaned.

"Silence!" she barked. We stayed in the principal's office for while. It felt like forever, since she kept lecturing us about misbehaving and blah blah blah. Finally, we finished when she barked, "now, return to your respective classes and meet me back in my office after dismissal."

Just then, she was interupted by a phone call.

"Hello? Yes, this is Mrs. Kim. Oh, today? Um... alright. Thank you."

"Your detention will start tomorrow, since I have a very important meeting I have to attend later on. Good day." She dismissed us from her office.

We got up from our seats and left the principal's office. I saw Jungkook shooting glares at me, but I didn't really care. He then shoved me.

"Thanks a lot, jerk," he thanked, sarcastically.

"My pleasure, It's about time you actually learn a thing or two," I commented.

He was about to throw a punch at my face, but I ducked just in time. We both parted ways, and I saw Tori, Winter, and Ash walking, covered with a little bit of food, down the hall. Ash went into her own class, while the two other girls kept on walking. 

"Tori! Winter! Hey, wait up!" I called after them.

Tori flinched a little bit and tugged on Winter's sleeve, as she and her walked faster away from where I was. Apparently, she still felt awkward around me. shucks, I thought we were already cool with each other I thought.  I continued walking alone to my classroom, when Minghao, Jeonghan hyung, S. coups hyung, Vernon, Dino, and Caleb shocked me from behind with, "HEY JUN/HYUNG!" I jumped.

"That was awesome! You really showed Jungkook not to mess with Tori!" Dino squeaked.

"Thanks for defending my sister in a food-related way," Caleb thanked.

"Let's all clap for Jun," Minghao suggested.

 The six of them clapped for me, along with some other students passing by. A shy smile crept across my cheeks, but I was a bit disappointed that Tori wasn't there. I knew she kinda hated me, because of what happened the other day and my hurtful remarks when I was jealous. But in my defense, I was willing to be in trouble defending her. 

I entered the classroom to be greeted by some students, who whooped and even commented, "that was so funny!" "bullseye!" I smiled and sat down at my seat. I then tried to talk to Tori. 

"uhm... Hi Tori,"

She continued talking with Winter, who turned her head to look at me.

"Excuse me, Tori and I are talking, as you may or may not see. Please don't be rude, so don't interrupt our conversation," She half demanded half reminded.

"Oh, sorry..." I apologized, with a hint of sarcasm in my tone. 

Winter flashed a glare at me, then continued to talk to Tori. To be honest, I didn't really get why Tori hated me again after I saw her smile and laugh during the food fight. Nonetheless, I still decided to try to talk to her. After school ended, I jogged out of my class to keep up with Tori, who was carrying her books to her locker. She just came out of the chemistry laboratory. I caught up to her and placed my hand on her shoulder to stop her.

"Tori, wait," I told her.

She dropped one of her books and looked back, in utter surprise. I might have pulled her shoulder back too suddenly or my sudden appearance shocked her. I stared back at her, suddenly unable to speak. She broke eye-contact by bending down to pick up her fallen book, but I bent down quicker and picked up her book for her. To my luck, when I was starting to stand up, I accidentally head-butted Tori and dropped the rest of her books. 

"Ahh," she grunted, "Jun!"

"Sorry, sorry," I apologized, picking up her other books. I handed them to her, who rubbed her forehead with one hand and received the books with the other.

"Thanks," she thanked, perfunctorily, "what do want?"

"Oh, um, I-uh-wanted to ask: why are you ignoring me? Was it because of what happened the other day? Are you still mad at me for those hurtful words?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"No, please tell me, so I can fix it."

She looked at me and shifted her feet, awkwardly.

"Why are you awkward around me?"

"You know why."

"So? What's wrong if I like you? I like you, Victoria, I really do."  

"Jun, you're making me even more uncomfortable."

"Why? Why is it making you uncomfortable?"

This time, she looked at me with a more stern look on her face. She inhaled deeply.

"Jun, do I have to repeat what I said the other day? I-don't-feel-the-same-way-you-do, please just move on."

"But, what if I can't move on? What if I want to keep liking you?"

She looked at me,  quizzically, and asked, "Why do you like me anyways?"

That question stumped me. I opened my mouth to answer, but quickly closed it since I didn't even know the answer myself. Why did I like her?  

Jealousy | Wen Junhui [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now