Chapter 17

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Tori's POV

The next few das at school were the same: not that boring. The boys, Winter, Ash, and Jenny (a new friend) helped make school-life fun. Jun and I became closer again. It turned out that he wasn't such a jerk after all.

"Morning, Tori!" Jun, Winter, and Wonwoo greeted, as I walked into the classroom.

"Morning!" I greeted back while slightly grunting, since I had to carry my violin case as well as my usual bag of heavy books.

"Here, let me help you," Jun offered, as he stood up and walked towards me. He took my violin case without waiting for my response.

"Thanks, Jun," I smiled.

He smiled sweetly and walked behind me to my seat. That day, our class had a project where we had to work in pairs and sing a tragic, romantic song. Winter and I decided to sing 'Endless Love' by Jackie Chan and Kim Hee Sun. She sang the Chinese verses while I sang the Korean chorus and played the violin. I was an average singer-that's why I sang the shorter bit.


"Great job, Jun and Wonwoo! Now it's Winter and Victoria's turn!" Our teacher announced.

Jun and Wonwoo bowed while Winter and I walked to the front of the class. I nervously held my violin in place.

Don't worry, you'll be fine. You're an amazing violin player and singer. You'll do great.
Jun's voice danced through my head as I remembered the talk we had yesterday. I told him that I was really scared that I might screw up. He encouraged me and helped calm me down.

I moved the bow across the strings of my violin, playing the intro. Soon later, Winter sang the verse in Chinese while I played the melody. Then it was my turn to sing the chorus in Korean. I might've voice cracked while doing the high notes, but thankfully it wasn't too noticeable. Jun gave me a thumbs up when I got the last note correct; during practise, I kept getting that part wrong.

The end of the song finally came and I was finally able to breathe normally again. Winter, too, looked exhausted. We smiled and bowed as the audience clapped for us. I walked back to my seat with Winter trailing behind me.

"Great job!" Wonwoo congratulated.

"See? I told you, you would do great," Jun complemented.

"Oi, what about me? I sang most of it because somebody claimed that they're bad at singing and that it's impossible for them to sing in Chinese," Winter cut in.

"Wonder who that could be?" I wondered out loud, playing dumb.

"Yes, Winter, you did an amazing job," Jun complemented, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"Way to steal the show," added Wonwoo.

"Thank you, I know," returned Winter, proudly. "Hmm... hey guys, why is Superman always welcomed on the X FACTOR?"

The three of us grunted. "Why?" we asked in a monotone voice.

"Because he always steels the show," Winter replied, grinning.

The three of us slapped our hands on our faces. She needed to be stopped.

After class ended and lunch started, I headed out with Winter, Jun, and Wonwoo to wait for the rest of Seventeen, Caleb, Ash, and Jenny. I decided to walk towards Ash and Jenny's classroom (which is the same as Hoshi's classroom), instead of waiting in my classroom.

"Tori!" Jun called.

I turned around and met his dark eyes. His eyes stared back into mine before he got back to his senses.

"I just wanted to say that I think you're really talented and that you should keep singing and playing your instrument, so that you could gain more confidence in yourself. Plus, singing in Chinese isn't impossible," he commented.

"Aw, thanks oppa," I thanked, "and easy for you to say, you're fluent in Chinese. Moreover you are Chinese."

Did I just call him oppa? But I've never called any of my guy friends 'oppa' before. Not even my own brother.

"Well why don't I teach you then?" he offered.

"Alright then, you shall."

He winked and did a half smile. I felt my heart skip a beat.

Soon, Jun, hopefully soon. I'm just waiting for the right time.

Jealousy | Wen Junhui [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now