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Unfortunately, this isn't an update but I would like to say a few things about recent events. Yesterday, December 18, was the day we lost someone dear to the whole KPOP community. Although I am not a Shawol, I know that Kim Jonghyun was a hardworking, talented, and gifted man. I found out about this news from my best friend, who is a SHINee stan, and honestly I didn't know how to react or what to say.

This goes to show that no matter how much somebody smiles (in this case how successful Jonghyun was), you don't know what kind of demons haunt them behind their happy facade. To many of us, Jonghyun seemed as if he was on top of the world. But to him, it may not have meant anything, which was what lead him to do what he did.

Depression is one of the most abused mental illnesses in our social world. People on social media use stress and depression as a way of acting cool or gaining attention. People act as if they're depressed to try to relate to others, yet how are actual depressed people going to relate if fakers don't even know the true feeling of being depressed? Honestly, is someone truly depressed going to frequently tweet or post about how they're so depressed and constantly think about suicide? Moreover emphasize their sadness or the tears they shed?

I once saw on an InstaStory thread where you screenshot the same post from another person, and you type out your lie and paste it among the other lies. One lie that really stood out among the others was pasted in enlarged letters right in the middle of the post. I don't remember what it exactly was but I think it read, 'I don't cry myself to sleep every night, and I don't constantly think about suicide.' I don't know who wrote that, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that that was meant for attention.

I get that those pretending to be depressed are trying to let those who are depressed know that they aren't alone; but I feel that it's better to give our support than to pretend or give false testimonies.

Please pay attention to the people around you. If your loved ones are going through tough times, lend a hand. Maybe you can't fix their problems, but don't let them go through them alone. Maybe you don't know how they feel, but try to understand them. Show the world that you care. Even the smallest things, like smiling at a passerby or giving a friend a hug, can make a difference.


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