Chapter 19

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As I walked to Jenny and Ash's classroom - to wait for them - Jimin and Taehyung were pushing the struggling Jungkook towards me.

"Hyung, stop it-ah!" groaned Jungkook as he got hit on the head by Jimin.

"Hello, Tori," Taehyung greeted, "my friend, Jungkook, here would like to apologize for what he said that caused the food fight the other day."

"Right, Jungkook?" Jimin promptly asked.

I raised my eyebrow at Jungkook and folded my arms.

This should be good

Jungkook forcefully nodded.

"Good, we'll leave you two to it," Taehyung concluded.

As the two boys left, Jungkook looked very unimpressed and rolled his eyes. He finally looked up at me.

"I'm sorry for what I said the other day," he caustically apologized, "you know I was just asking you to come sit with me. Your boyfriend didn't have to start a war. Jeez tell him to start taking chill pills for me, 'kay?"

"Wow, Jungkook, sounds to me like you're the one jealous," I retorted, "Come on, everyone notices how you constantly stare at Jun and tweet about how cute he is when he sleeps."

Jungkook's eyes sparked with flames. "I do not! And besides how do you know how cute he is when he sleeps, huh?" he smirked.

"I don't, I didn't say he was," I replied, calmly, "you know, you should really start paying more attention, then maybe you'd be smart enough to realize that Liza has no interest in you."

"Psh, like you know anything," Jungkook scoffed, "Kill yourself, Victoria."

"Please, I'm already dying because of your hideous face," I gagged.

"Hey, don't you have some place to go, like The Face Shop?" I reminded, trying to sound as innocent as I can.

"Baby girl, if anyone needs to go there, it's you."

"Right, sorry, you need plastic surgery," I shot back, "Oh, and while you're on the way, consider buying breath mints."

Jungkook opened his mouth and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Sorry, the smell's not coming from me. It's coming from your direction."

"Honey, my mouth does not smell like a butt-hole," I smirked, "Oh, hey, why don't you add that medicine that helps control diarrhea to your list of things you should get. Your mouth will thank you for it."

Jungkook growled out loud, utterly defeated. "I'm wasting time," he mumbled. Finally, he stomped past me.

"Oh, and get a life as well!" I called.

"KILL YOURSELF!" he yelled back in frustration.

I smirked. Just as I was about to continue walking when Winter caught up to me, panting. She put her hands on my shoulders and panted even more, but kept her head down. She looked up and met my eyes.

"I was about to confront you on why you didn't wait for me, but I saw the whole roasting session and-" Winter panted in one breath.

"Breathe," I reminded.

Winter inhaled and exhaled. She then continued.

"Teach me your ways, senpai," she said in awe.

As the bell wrang, Winter, Ash, Jenny, and I discussed about the Civil War in America since we were learning about that in our History lesson.

"Urgh, I'm gonna fail history," grunted Jenny.

"Wow, Jenny, don't give up so easily. Plus we have Tori to help us," Ash pointed out.

"Sure," I replied, suddenly remembering something. More like two things.

"Merlin's beard, I forgot my English notebook! We need to give it before dismissal!" I remembered, slapping my head.

"Come on, Tori, it's just three questions we could do it at dismissal," Jenny tried to convince.

"Yeah, but we have a lot of time during break, be right back," I brusquely replied, jogging back to my classroom.

I walked over to my desk and searched for my notebook. I then
searched for my pencil case. I took a lot of the stationary out of my tray, but still no luck. I couldn't even find a spare pen.

Hm, maybe I lent a pen to Jun

I walked over to his desk to check his tray. I knew it wasn't that polite, but it was better than taking his own pen. His tray was very messy - wrinkly papers, scattered pens and pencils, notebooks threatening to fall out, and candy wrappers.

I shook my head in disapproval. I took the pen that looked like mine, only to realize that it wasn't. I found a note stuck to the pen. I took it out and opened it.

"Wonwoo," it began.

Jealousy | Wen Junhui [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now