A Snowy Winter's Day

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Dan's POV

I woke up this morning to a gust of cold air slapping me in the face. Glancing out the window, I saw that snow had fallen overnight. Getting out of bed wasn't on my agenda, but I could tell that Phil hasn't made breakfast, and I was hungry. Throwing off the covers, I quickly got dressed into my black skinny jeans, a sweater, and a pair of mismatched socks before the cold air could freeze me to death. Once I was downstairs, I cranked up the heating to full power, and began making pancake batter. Slowly stirring the batter, I started to daydream about Phil. I know it's not right, being in love with your best friend, but I can't help it. Those icy blue eyes of his always seem to be hiding something. Something only he knows. I can't remember when I started liking him, but all I know is that I've never stopped.

In my trance, I didn't hear Phil coming to find me stirring the batter slowly while staring at the wall.

"Umm... Dan? Are you ok?"

Dang it. "Oh. Yea. Just... stirring."

"Ok. Well, thanks for making pancakes! I'll make us some eggs."

I murmured thanks, and started heating the skillet. I had to get a spoon to spoon the batter into the skillet, but the problem was that Phil was standing between it and me. I don't know why I did it, but I snaked my arm around him to reach the spoon. When I realized what I was doing, I froze, my arm still around Phil. Phil looked at me, and... well... I didn't know what he did next because I quickly retracted my arm and started making the pancakes while avoiding all eye contact with him.

Phil's POV

I woke up this morning to the clattering of pots and pans in the kitchen. Dan is so nice to make breakfast! Then again, Dan is probably the nicest person I've ever met. The funny thing is that when we moved in together, I thought of him as just a friend. I've been thinking that that has changed. Whenever I have one of my sleepless nights, he comes into my room and watches YouTube with me. It was a week ago when I finally accepted my new feelings for him. Another one of my sleepless nights, we do our regular routine of watching YouTube, but once I started yawning, he put the laptop away, turned off the lights, and rubbed my back until I fell asleep. At his touch, my stomach flipped, and my body tingled where he touched me. Since then, he was all I could ever think about. Making my way into the kitchen, I stopped at the entrance to find a dazed Dan absent mindedly stirring pancake batter. He looked so cute in his hobbit hair and sweater. I just wanted to pull him to me and kiss his cheek, but I was worried something was wrong. After asking him if he was ok, I had to convince myself that he was telling the truth. I went ahead and started making eggs in case he'd zone out for good. I was just about to whisk the eggs when I felt Dan's arm snake around me. I felt butterflies trying to burst out of my  stomach and I blushed. A warm sensation spread around my body at his touch. Smiling shyly, I looked over to Dan, but as soon as our eyes locked, he quickly went back to prepping the batter.

After our breakfast, Dan went to his room and closed the door. I made my way to the couch and started watching anime. I should say I attempted to watch anime. My mind kept wandering back to Dan, his arm around me. More than that, I kept thinking about what it would be like to kiss him. I would imagine it as us standing very close. Me lost in his chocolatey brown eyes, and him lost in mine. I'd cup his face in my hands, close my eyes, and slowly-

*Crash* "Dan!" I ran upstairs after hearing what sounded like an elephant jumped off the bed. What I found was Dan tangled up in his duvet cover, lying on the floor.

"Dan! Are you ok?"

"Oh. Yea. I'm just... hanging."

I didn't want him to move. He looked so cute. So, I walked over to him, and laid down beside him while gazing into his eyes.

Dan's POV

I couldn't be around Phil any longer due to my embarrassment. My affection for him had shown, and I couldn't let that happen. I hastily made my way up to my room after wolfing down some pancakes and eggs. Sitting on my bed, I replayed that moment over and over again in my head. There's no way he'd like me. I just don't want to lose him. He's my world, and without him, I wouldn't know what to do. While I was having these thoughts, I managed to wrap myself in my duvet cover without knowing. When I tried to get out of bed, I ended up falling on the floor. What was worse was that Phil, bless him, came running to see if I was ok. What happened next was something I still can't believe. He smiled shyly, walked over to me, and laid down beside me, staring into my eyes. His icy blue gaze took my breath away. I softly gasped, and I could've sworn he smiled even bigger and blushed. I never wanted this to end. We probably stared at each other for at least 5 minutes, but my arm was falling asleep.

"Umm... Phil? Do you want to come outside with me?"

"Sure! Let me get some snow clothes on. And you too, Dan. I don't want you to freeze."

Blushing immensely, I started changing after Phil left. A few minutes later, we both walked out into our front yard.

Phil's POV

We went outside into what I assumed was a foot of thick, fluffy snow. Dan was looking around our street, taking in the beauty of the snow while I was taking in the beauty of him. I used his distraction as time to make a perfectly formed snowball, which I chucked at him. Hit square in the back, Dan turned around to find me laughing to the point where I was out of breath.

"Oh. You think it's funny, do you? Well, it's on!"

With that, he began forming a massive snowball, which flew right past me, missing me by an inch. Our snowball fight lasted for about half an hour, Panting from exhaustion, I made my way to Dan, who was panting as hard as me. I fell down into the snow, pulling him down with me. We laid there, watching the snow fall around us. I thought, "There's no better time than now. You've waited for weeks to do this, and you've got your chance." Turning onto my side to face Dan, I mentally prepared myself for what I was about to do.

" Dan. You are a wonderful person. When I can't sleep, you come to comfort me. When I'm lazy, you make breakfast. When I moved in with you, I thought you were an amazing friend. Since then, my feelings have gotten stronger for you." I paused to take a deep breath and to tell myself that he might not be mutual with what I was about to tell him next. "I love you Dan. I have for a long time. I know you might not feel that way towards me and you would want to move out because of this, but I can't go another day without telling you how I really feel about you."

Dan was speechless. I was starting to think that I've messed up majorly, when he cupped my face in his hands.

"Phil. There's nothing more I've wanted to hear more than that." he said breathlessly.

Slowly, he moved his face towards mine. I closed my eyes, and a split second later, a pair of soft lips pushed against mine. I gasped, and wrapped my arms around him, kissing him back. There could've been no better end to this snowy winter's day.

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