My Job at Disney World

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(Chapter 3 of My Job at Disney World)

So today was the day I started my job. I had to wake up at bloody 6:50 am to shower and get ready, so this had better be worth it. Yesterday, my parents had taken me to a used car lot so I could buy a car. After all, they didn't want me shuttling myself around in their precious cars. I managed to get a black Jeep that wasn't too beat up for a good price. There was a dent in the back left side of it, but besides that there was nothing wrong with it...yet.

I grudgingly flopped down into the driver's seat after grabbing my wallet and phone and saying goodbye to Adrian and my parents. Turning on the car, I flipped through the radio channels before plugging my phone into the speaker system. Apparently, these local stations haven't heard of good music. I backed out of the driveway and drove down our street as I'm Not Ok (I Promise) by MCR came on, going just 5 miles above the speed limit.

About 20 minutes later, I was at the manager's office to get my all access keycard. They probably shouldn't give me something that's all access since they don't know me that well, but I'm too lazy to go around and steal stuff. "Welcome, Dan! Now then, before I give you your card, I need to clarify some things with you." I groaned, but motioned for him to continue. "There are some rules you need to follow since you are going to be in close proximity with our customers. 1) Do not inappropriately touch or harass anyone. 2) If they do that to you, or are threatening in any way, then give a nod to the security guard that will be located behind you. 3) If you need a break, you have to alert the security guard before going off. Even then, you need him with you at all times in case people try to stop you and take pictures with you. 4) Always smile. Even if you're feeling down. All good?" I nodded, eager to get out of his office and to the costume department. "Great. Here's your keycard. All access and free rides with it. Have fun on the first day!" "Thanks."

After taking the keycard and asking where the underground building was, I set off into the park towards the hidden building. I approached it and tried to find the slot where you can enter the keycard, however, I couldn't find it after 5 minutes of searching. I sighed and sat down, defeated. Only once I was sitting down, I saw it about one foot above my head. Really? I grumpily stood up, entered my card, and nodded in satisfaction as the door slid open. After walking in and watching the door close behind me, I began walking down the many flights of stairs. Weird, the stairs didn't seem to be this long when I first came here.

I managed to finally make my way down to the hallway without passing out and I twisted the knob on the door that led to "Ms. Mary's Workshop." I opened it up and was immediately greeted by Ms. Mary screaming, "He's here, people! Is everything good to go?" A chorus of yes's came from the seamstresses who were surrounding something. Ms. Mary then beckoned me over to where they were standing while simultaneously shooing them away in the process. After they cleared away, I could see a mannequin that was my height, dressed in an Aladdin-like costume. In fact, it looked almost the same as the costume in the movie. I had to admit, I was impressed. Ms. Mary carefully stripped the mannequin of the garments and handed each one to me. After I was loaded down with about as much fabric as I could carry, she lightly pushed me to a curtained-off section of the room where I could change. "Be careful not to rip anything, and if there are alterations that need to be made, we'll change it after you're fully dressed."

I nodded and pushed the curtain back. Walking in, I saw there was a small table and chair placed in the corner. A giant mirror with lights all around the boarder was hanging on the wall, along with a coat rack. I placed my costume on the table and started undressing, flinching when the cool, air-conditioned air hit my skin. I easily slipped on the pants, seeing as the waist was a bit big on me. I then unfolded the vest and put it on. I really hope it'll be warm outside, otherwise I'll get my security guard to put a portable heater right by me. Ugh. I can't believe I have to go without a shirt and shoes. I could be denied service if I was going to a restaurant!

I took one last look at how the pants loosely hung around my toned stomach, placed the fez on my head, and pushed aside the curtains. "Oh, honey. You look wonderful. Come here so I can poof out the pant legs a bit." I walked over to Ms. Mary and patiently waited as she fluffed out the pant legs. I looked up just in time to see a boy walk in wearing a Peter Pan costume. He leaned against the wall by the door and pulled out his phone, obviously taking advantage of the building's free Wi-Fi. I looked closely at him, taking note of his pale skin and tufts of black hair sticking out of the bright ginger wig. He was attractive, to say the least. However, he was nose-deep in his phone, so I was unable to get a good view of his face.

I turned back to Ms. Mary who had finished messing with my pants and had started fixing my hair. I tried not to flinch as she drug a comb through my slightly tangled locks, but one can only do so much when in pain. "Ow!" "Well if you combed your hair from time to time, this wouldn't happen!" I heard the sound of someone chuckling, and I looked over and saw Peter Pan covering his mouth with his hand and trying not to laugh, looking at me at the same time. Damn. Hello, pretty boy. I looked back at him, exasperated. He shifted his gaze to Ms. Mary and said, "It's how you get the scruffy emo look. I just comb mine out before you can get to it." She rolled her eyes and continued to attack the various knots in my hair.

"Ok, Dan. You're ready to go! Let me go grab your security guard so he can walk you out." I stood patiently while she walked out of the room, eyeing Peter Pan from time to time, though he never looked up from his phone. Darn. That face was shockingly good to look at. Ms. Mary soon came back in with a tall, yet scrawny looking person dressed in a black t-shirt and black jeans. "Oh! So this is our new Aladdin! Don't worry, Ms. Mary. I won't let him get mauled." I looked at him, alarmed at his statement. "Dan, this is Tyler. He'll be your body guard for your shifts." Tyler held out a hand, which I shook nervously. "Don't worry. I was only joking about you getting mauled. The worst that could happen is a kid will soil its nappy while you hold it. Just ask Peter Pan over there. That was a rough day, huh?" The boy looked up and shuddered, causing all of us to laugh.

"Well, Aladdin, let's get going! We've got people to greet! Hugs to give! Kids to make happy!" "What a wild ride this'll be," I thought as I trailed out the door behind him.

Author's Note: This is the third chapter from my book, My Job at Disney World. I've taken a break from it for a while to work on 30 Days to Fall In Love, but I'm still working on it. Don't expect as many updates on it as this book and 30 Days, though. However, I have several chapters published already, so it's not a graveyard of unwritten words!

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