FNAF (Night 5) Alternate Ending

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I had a pretty interesting time telling the boss how Phil had been damaged. He let out an exasperated sigh and let me go, unlocking the front of the building so the morning staff could get in.

As soon as I got back in my house and my head hit the pillow, I was off in dream land, sitting in a big field with the sun setting in front of me. I turned to my right and found Phil sitting beside me, his legs stretched out in front of him. My eyes grew wide as he turned to me.

His metal was replaced with a smooth skin, complete with a few freckles on his arms and cheeks. His painted mouth was gone and replaced with a pair of lips that settled easily into a smile. He pushed himself onto his feet and walked over to me, extending a hand for me to take.

It was like the hand I grabbed last night, minus the metal plates and screws. The smooth material was still the same, the heat was still the same. I stood up and looked at his face. His cheeks were a light shade of red, similar to earlier this morning during my shift. His eyes were the same ones I looked into as I held onto his injured neck; strikingly blue, yet warm and kind.

I closed my eyes as he wrapped his arms around me, his hands making their way gracefully around my back as he attacked my neck with soft kisses. I raised my hands into his hair, smiling even more when I felt the soft strands run between my fingers. His touch was everywhere, leaving warm trails across my body. It was the kind of pleasure that wasn't overwhelming, but teased you just enough to make you want more. More... more...

"More," I said as I woke up to the sun setting through the curtains. I sighed and looked at the clock, seeing it was 8:00pm. I stretched and laughed as my stomach loudly chorused a series of rumbles. I guess I should have something to eat and take a shower.

After a quick scrub, I was wrapped in a hoodie and underwear with a bowl of cereal balanced precariously on my leg as I switched on the TV. I sunk into the sofa crease and began shoveling the food down as a lady discussed politics. Bored, I switched it over to the Food Network, instantly getting hooked into whatever kind of éclairs the man on screen was baking. Before I knew it, I was back on the couch with a second bowl of cereal to compensate for not having any éclairs.

Letting out an obnoxiously loud burp, I set the bowl aside and ventured onto my computer, scrolling through Tumblr and liking everything new and weird. It wasn't long before I looked up to see that the time was 11:00; time to get dressed and head to my last night on the job.

The sky was clear tonight, showing off a plethora of stars in its black abyss. I hummed along to Muse as I drove downtown, stopping at a red light along the way. The roads were nearly empty and most of the shops were dark. A couple was kissing under a lamppost while a young man walked his dog across the street. I drove on, my eyes soon catching the familiar gas station I parked across from these past 4 nights. Parking and taking up two spots (but no one else was there, so it didn't matter), I jumped out and did the usual lock-the-car-and-go-inside routine. Phil, once again, stood by the entrance to the door, leaning against the frame with his arms hanging by his sides.

I took off my coat and went over to him, pulling him into a tight hug.

"I can't believe this is the last night," I said as I nudged my head into the crook of his neck. I felt his head shift up and down as I stood there.

I pulled away and closed both of the doors, already knowing that the animatronics could bust in even though it's only a minute past midnight. I then went to the desks, checking for suspicious activity. However, before I could progress past the first room, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and faced Phil, who was standing patiently by my chair.

"What is it?"

He stepped back a bit and stretched out his arms, bringing his hands together swiftly. After a second of holding them together, he flung his hands into the air and all of a sudden, a rose popped out of them. He gracefully caught it and lowered it down to me, bowing as he held it.

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