Airplane Nightmares

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(Phil's POV)

I wasn't lying when I said we could play I Spy on the flight to Australia. In fact, it had been no more than half an hour of sitting on the plane when I nudged Dan's shoulder. He looked up from the magazine that was in the seat pocket, raising his eyebrows as he looked at me. "I spy... With my little eye..." "No." "Fine." He went back to looking at all the stuff you could buy from the magazine. "What do you think, Phil? Maybe a $8,000 diamond watch?" I looked at him in disbelief. "Look. I know you bought a $1,075 'Sexual Fantasies' shirt, but an $8,000 watch? What would you use it for?" He started laughing as I shook my head at him. "I was only joking, Phil. Besides, the only diamonds I'd wear would be black." I rolled my eyes and tapped on the tv that was imbedded into the back of the chair in front of me, checking to see how far we've gone.

It had been three hours now since we'd taken off and I had successfully drank a full can of tomato juice. Dan had put away the magazine and opted for listening to his music. "Wanna listen to Fall Out Boy with me, Phil?" I nodded, taking the other earbud from him. I closed my eyes and tapped my foot as Immortals began playing. I think I ended up falling asleep to it, for I woke up to find my head on Dan's shoulder and his phone in front of my face. "Ugh. Hey! Were you taking pictures of me while I slept?" He began laughing as he put his phone in the chair's pocket. "Maybe. Go back to sleep, Philly. We have a ways to go." I replaced my head on his shoulder and watched as he tapped the TV screen in front of him. Looks like I slept for about 45 minutes. "Not much. I guess I'll try for more sleep..." I thought as I closed my eyes.

I started up as I felt some turbulence kick in. Rubbing my eyes, I looked to my right to where Dan was sitting. Or should be sitting. He wasn't there. I looked around, confused. I froze as I saw the entire cabin abandoned. The lights were dim and all of the windows were closed. I jumped up and ran to the front, begging that there was some life in the cockpit. I flung open the door and saw that the plane was being manned by no one and my heart dropped as I realized this. Looking out the window, I saw the ocean below me.

All of a sudden, the plane's engine gave a deafening screech. The plane itself jerked to one side before slowing down. The nose started pointing to the ocean, sending the plane in a downward spiral towards the dark waters. I screamed and began pressing random buttons in hopes for a solution to this. Picking up a headset, I screamed mayday into the microphone, hearing nothing on the other side but static. I was about to give up hope when I heard a voice from the earpiece. "Phil?" "Yes! Yes! Help! I need help! Mayday!" "Phil!" The ocean was almost touching the plane. My heart furiously pounded in my chest. As the waves reached up towards the plane, I screamed once more in attempt to get this to stop.

I felt my body shake and I bolted up. I opened my eyes, realizing they were closed, and looked around. The window beside me was open and sunlight was pouring in. I stood up, seeing people occupying every seat. Sitting down, I looked out the window again, seeing the bright landscape of Australia below me. I finally turned to my right and set my eyes on Dan, who looked concerned. I lunged towards him and wrapped my arms around him, sobbing lightly. I felt him wrap his arms around me and pull me closer. He quietly whispered in my ear that everything's ok as he threaded his fingers through my hair. I tucked my face into the crook of his shoulder, feeling my heart rate slow down bit by bit as he kissed the back of my head. Eventually, I pulled back a bit and looked at him. He shifted one of his hands and gently brushed my fringe out of my face.

"Are you ok, Phil?" I nodded. "Yea. Just a horrible nightmare. No one was in the plane and it started falling out of the sky and towards the water and-"

The fasten your seatbelts sign came on and I felt myself began to panic once again. Until, of course, the pilot made an announcement. "Good morning passengers, if you could please fasten your seatbelts and return your tray tables and seats to the upright position, we'll be starting our descent momentarily."

I sighed in relief and pressed the button on the side of my chair, feeling it hit my back as it popped back up. I looked to Dan as he finished putting up the tray table. He smiled and lightly threaded his fingers through my hand. "Are you ready to get out of here?" He asked after he kissed the back of it. "Oh my gosh, yes." And after a few seconds of laughter between the two of us, We looked out the window to watch the landscape become bigger. This time, at a less alarming rate.

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