Soft Days

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As per usual, Dan started off his afternoon doing a liveshow for all of his adoring fans. He didn't want to put too much effort into his appearances, so forgetting trousers and earrings, he did the show in only an oversize hoodie and a pair of tight-fitting boxers. Everything was good and the liveshow went on smoothly, but then he started getting a weird ache in his chest: a longing to be held. 

The feeling had happened before a while ago when he woke up one morning and Phil had gotten up before him to make breakfast. He felt emptier than usual and persuaded Phil to cuddle him the rest of the day. Phil liked to call those days "soft days," and Dan was on the brink of having another one. 

Sensing what was about to happen, he signed off a few minutes early, leaving his fans to talk among themselves in the chat. He turned off his computer, pulled the sleeves of his shirt over his hands, and padded across the hall in sock-clad feet to where Phil was.

Phil, unaware that Dan had ended his liveshow early, was busy editing a new video on their bed. His hair was tucked up into a quiff, which he had been sporting for a few weeks now. He had on his favorite pair of black glasses and hadn't bothered to get out of his pajamas yet. Then again, that was the exact opposite of a problem given the circumstances. 

"Phil?" Dan asked timidly as he opened the door to their bedroom. Phil briefly glanced up but slid his computer over to the nightstand when he saw Dan. A smile spreading across his face and partly-edited video cast aside, he propped himself up against the headboard and spread his arms and legs open for Dan to move in between them. Taking the cue, Dan gleefully leaped onto Phil and welcomed the sensation of arms and legs wrapping around him. He laid stomach-down on Phil and allowed one hand to lie by his face, the sleeve brushing gently against his lips while the other hand flopped limply by Phil's side. 

Phil leaned over to his nightstand and pulled his laptop over to where Dan could see. Closing out his video, he opened Netflix and put on Winnie the Pooh, which they hadn't continued watching since their last soft day. "Do you need anything else before I start the show, baby?" Dan shook his head and snuggled further into Phil as the show started. 

As time went on, Dan felt himself get sleepier and sleepier. He also had to go to the bathroom, but was too deep in his soft and sleepy state to care. Phil had noticed this shift in energy and opted to gently comb his fingers through Dan's curls to further sooth the boy. His heart ached for how cute Dan was and Dan's heart ached for how caring Phil was. It was perfect. 

After a while, Phil thought that Dan had fallen asleep and reached over to turn off the show to not wake him up. When he did, a little whine escaped the sleepy boy's lips, so Phil whispered an apology and continued playing the video. He tucked his hands under Dan's armpits and gently pulled him up until his head was lying where he could hear Phil's heart. After settling him back down, Phil resumed his original job of playing with Dan's hair. 

Dan allowed his eyes to droop as the sound of Phil's rhythmic heartbeat lulled him into a trance. He could barely focus on Pooh getting stuck in his doorway and noticed that his eyes weren't really focused on anything. Finally, he felt a pair of lightly chapped lips touch his forehead before he lost all consciousness as he fell into a deep sleep.  

When he woke again, he was on his side, facing Phil as he curled up against him. "Hey there, sleepyhead," Phil fondly mumbled. Dan grabbed a fistful of Phil's shirt as he further snuggled into his embrace, still not out of his soft and sleepy mindset yet. "You haven't drunk any water in a while. It's probably why you're so sleepy." Dan ignored his words of wisdom and shut his eyes again. "C'mon, baby. If you won't drink the water, I'll have to feed it to you." 

Giving up, Dan poked his head out of his hiding place and opened his deep brown eyes to focus on Phil, who already had a glass of water in his hand. He watched as Phil guided the glass to his lips, waiting until they touched before opening his mouth and allowing Phil to feed him the water with minimal spillage. Phil set the glass back down after Dan took a few swigs and reached out to wipe away the remaining water from Dan's lips with a thumb. 

Settling his thumb by the corner of his mouth, Phil moved his head to Dan's and gave him a lingering kiss before pulling back and gazing at the bundle of darkness and softness lying before him. Dan's eyes settled onto Phil's as he basked in Phil's nurturing attention. "Is there anything you need right now?" Dan shook his head, until he remembered that he desperately needed to go to the bathroom. "Ah, well...I might need to use the toilet."

Phil shuffled back and away from Dan so he could get up, but Dan didn't want to abandon him, so he shifted back to Phil. "Silly Bear," he said. "You need to go, remember?" Dan pouted and tucked his head under Phil's chin. "Tell you what, I'll walk you there and back, ok?" Dan nodded and scooted off of the bed, waiting for Phil to come around to his side before grabbing his hand and walking to the restroom. 

As promised, Phil waited outside the door while Dan finished up. He managed to steal away to the kitchen for a minute to fix a bowl of snack mix for the two of them and still had time to put it in their bedroom before Dan opened the door. Phil stood on his toes and kissed Dan's temple before wrapping an arm around the small of his back and guiding him back to their bedroom. Catching sight of the snack mix, Dan crawled back into bed and made grabby hands at Phil while he picked up the bowl. 

"Aren't you eager?' he teased as he settled next to Dan. He wrapped an arm under Dan's neck and used the other one to hold the bowl between the two of them. Dan eagerly tucked into the mix as Phil rubbed circles into his shoulder, feeding Phil a few of the pieces and laughing as he ate. Heart swelling at Dan's laugh, Phil squeezed him against his side as he leaned over and pressed a kiss to his forehead. 

The rest of the day was spent like that,  Phil reminding Dan to drink water and occasionally getting up to refill the snack mix or put a different show on his laptop. Dan would eventually rise out of his cuddly state and the two would go on to be productive again, but in the meantime, they basked in the comfort of each other during their innocent, soft day. 

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