Don't Give Up On Happiness

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A/N: This is a combination of a Pinterest writing prompt (You are born without emotions; To compensate this, you started a donation box where people could donate their unwanted emotions. You've lived a life filled with sadness, fear, and regret until one day, someone donates happiness.), JoshlerBlurryface's suggestion of Pastel Phil and Emo Dan, and a coffee shop AU! How I managed to incorporate three things into one story I do not know. Enjoy!

A car passes by under the glow streetlamp across the road from where I sat, kicking up a spray of water in its wake. I followed its path through my half-lidded gaze like it would lead me to some answer. Some resolution. But I guess not.

Maybe the guy who was walking my way with his head bowed will give me an answer. Or maybe I'll continue sitting here in the middle of the night, all night, every night. I allowed my gaze to lock onto the boy in pale blue skinny jeans, white shoes, a flower crown, and I'm guessing some sort of pastel sweater underneath a black coat, which seemed out of place with the rest of his outfit. How disgusting.

I expected the walking flower to continue on his way, but instead, with his face still pointed towards the concrete, he stopped two feet from where I sat. "You're the guy with the box?" I nodded, glaring at him suspiciously. "I wish to make a donation." "What will it be?" I asked sarcastically as I pulled the box out from behind my back. "A tossed aside sadness? A random anxiety, perhaps? How about an unwanted-"


And he walked away.

And suddenly, I knew I couldn't let him go.

Box of emotions in hand, I leaped up and ran after the boy, who was making his way down the street. "Hang on-wait-stop!" He halted, but refused to turn around as I scrambled towards him. "Why did you do that?" I asked him once I caught my breath. He glanced at me over his shoulder, bright blue eyes catching the light of the streetlamps. "Because I'm giving up on happiness."

"You can't just do that!" "Why not?" he asked as he finally turned towards me, fully exposing his face for the first time. "I'm not in need of happiness. I don't want happiness. Happiness has only let me down. Might as well give it to someone who needs it." "But-" "Look, I hate to be that guy, but I'm gonna leave."

He turned on his heel and stalked away from me, head bent back towards the ground.

"I'll find you again. I promise."

~ 3 years later ~

Pulling the beanie tighter onto my head, I shuffled my feet through the snow as I made my way to the coffee shop, not wanting to be late on such a beautiful day. We had gotten well over a foot of snow last night, which painted the streets of England like a winter wonderland. Granted, no one thought of it that way, but I sure as heck did. "Hey, Lou!" I called out as I opened the door and waltzed in. "Hey, Dan! Better get an apron on. Customers should be coming soon."

"You bet!" I replied as I ran to the back room to dispose of my beanie and coat. Quickly tying on the green apron, I came back out with a smile, feeling determined to work hard on one of the busiest days we'd have this week. "Did we get those new peppermint chocolate whoopee pies?" Louise nodded and held up two of them, tossing one to me so we could "test" them. You know, to make sure they were up to the shop's standards.

"These are amazing," I mumbled around a mouthful. Louise nodded and shoved the rest of it into her mouth just as a customer walked in. "Welcome!" I said for Louise as she hurriedly chewed. I quickly went into the back room and crammed the rest of the dessert into my mouth, similar to what Louise had done.

Running back out just as another customer came in, I went up to the register and prepared to take the man's order. "Hello! Welcome!" The guy had his face hidden behind a fringe and a black hood, making it impossible to see any facial features he had. "What would you like today?" He slowly took off his hood and flipped his fringe out of his face to get a good look at the menu hanging above me. And that was when I saw his bright blue eyes. The same eyes that caught the light of the streetlamps so long ago.

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