Never Have I Ever

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(Phil's POV)

Sleepovers with friends are awesome. I mean, staying up until midnight while stuffing your face full of marshmallows and watching horror movies is the best way to spend any weekend. Right now, Pj, Chris, Dan, and I were sitting in a circle on the floor, surrounded by a handful of various sleeping bags and pillows. Sure, we might be in college, but it's still fun.

"Right," Pj started. "Time to play the best. Game. Ever." "The go to sleep game?" Dan whined. "No! Never have I ever, duh!" Dan rolled his eyes and flopped back onto his sleeping bag. "Ok, I'm in," I said. Chris nodded, and Dan sat up as PJ held up all 10 fingers. "Ok. Never have I ever...straightened my hair!" The other three of us scowled at him as we put down one of our fingers. "Fine. Never have I ever worn glasses!" Chris shot back. I shot him a glare along with PJ as we both put down another finger. "Well, never have I ever slept for 16 hours at once!" We stared pointedly at Dan until he took back his statement, remembering that time he got his wisdom teeth removed and he slept precisely 16 hours.

"Ok, um, never have I ever hated cheese!" "Hey!" I yelled as I put down a third finger. I was losing by a finger to PJ, but I wasn't going down anytime soon. Or so I hoped. "Well, never have I ever whined to my flatmate about his cereal-stealing habits!" Dan flipped me off before putting down his second finger, clearly not amused. "Never have I ever mistaken a vase for a water glass."

"Never have I ever questioned my sexuality." To Chris's question, Dan and I lowered a finger, much to the amusement of the other two boys. "Never have I ever worn all black." Dan huffed a sigh and PJ cringed as they both put down a finger. By now, Dan had 6 fingers left, I had 5, PJ had 7, and Chris somehow had 9! "Chris, mate, are you sure you have never worn all black?" "Dang it," he muttered as he dropped a finger. So, Chris has 8 left, which is a little bit better.

"Never have I ever stolen someone's cereal!" "Never have I ever had a YouTube name related to fire!" "This is bullying!" "Well, right back at you!" "Guys, guys," Pj said as we were about ready to rip each other's throats out. "This is a game. It's supposed to be friendly. Now then, never have I ever skipped breakfast." "Healthy-freak!" I laughed as the rest of us put down a finger.

"Never have I ever played the piano." "Never have I ever dyed my hair." "Never have I ever gotten my butt stuck in a kid's ride." Now, Dan and I were tied with one finger left. PJ and Chris somehow had 6 fingers left, but I guess it's because they didn't decide to sabotage each other. "Alright, guys," Chris said as he rubbed his hands together maniacally. "Never have I ever..."

"What? Spit it out!" Dan yelled after a long pause. "Never have I ever kissed someone." Pj lowered a finger and my heart dropped. I looked over to Dan, who was smiling like the Cheshire cat. "C'mon, Phil. Lower that finger. You've lost, buddy," he chimed. "Like hell am I losing this by myself," I said as I lunged at him and grabbed him by the shoulders. I crushed our lips together in what could be called the most energetic and painful kiss known to mankind and pulled back, satisfied. His cheeks were aflame as he dropped his hands, Pj and Chris were whooping and hollering in the background, and I was smiling triumphantly.

"Ah, that was a good game, guys, but I think I need to go to bed now," Chris said. "Me too." "Yea," Dan whispered as he continued to stare at me. "Um, I hate to ruin your little romantic moment, but Phil, you're kneeling on my sleeping bag." "Whoops," I muttered as I pulled it out from under me and tossed it to Chris. Eventually, we all got settled in our respective sleeping bags and drifted off to sleep.

Except for me. I can never sleep well at other people's houses. Nevertheless, I love sleepovers. I turned onto my back and stared at the ceiling, replaying the kiss over and over again in my head. I felt my cheeks heat up at the realization that I actually LIKED kissing Dan. I mean, it was painful from how fast I was lunging towards him, but it was still a good kiss! Besides, it meant that I didn't have to lose the game by myself.

Yet, that didn't seem to be important anymore. I could only focus on how smooth his lips felt against my lightly-chapped ones. How he tasted of the popcorn we chowed down on earlier along with the marshmallows. How I wanted to do it...again. "You can't sleep either?" I turned my head over to the right where Dan was laying beside me. "Yea. Those horror movies, man." "Yea. Horror know what I do when I can't sleep?" "What?"

"Look at the stars!" And with that, he flung himself out of his sleeping bag and reached over to grab my hand. Before I could object, he fully dragged me out of my sleeping bag and up onto my feet. "Geez, you're strong," I gasped as he made me dart across the room to the window. He giggled and opened the blinds, leaning his arms onto the window sill and staring up at the sky. "Look." I followed his example and leaned forward, and when I looked up, my mind was blown at the millions of stars shimmering amongst the black abyss. "Can I ask you a question," he whispered after some time. "Sure."

"Did you enjoy the kiss?"

I could feel my shoulders tense up as we stood there, waiting for something to happen. Seeing no way out of this..."Umm....y...yea. I did." I looked over and watched as he looked at the sky and heaved a sigh of relieve before saying, "Me too." I was fully blushing right now, so I turned back to the stars so as to avoid him noticing. "Can...can we do it again?" I turned back to him to find him looking down at his hands, fidgeting as he awaited my response. "Sure-I mean, yes, umm..." Without knowing an appropriate response to his request, I settled for placing my hands on his shoulders and turning him to face me.

His eyes flitted between mine and my lips as we stepped towards each other. Eventually, I closed my eyes and allowed my instincts to guide my lips to his. I heard him exhale through his nose as his lips brushed against mine, teasingly leading me to him. I reconnected our lips and gently pushed them together, but pulled back a bit afterwards in case he wanted to stop. However, I couldn't get far before he wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me back to him. As our kissing grew more intense, I moved my hands down his arms, around his back, and to his butt. I gave him a firm squeeze and relished the slight moan that escaped his lips. "Wh-what are you guys doing?"

We froze and slowly broke apart to turn and face an annoyed PJ. I flinched under his harsh glare, feeling scared and embarrassed. Was he going to kick us out? "Look, I'm glad you guys FINALLY realized you're head-over-heels-madly-in-love for each other, but seriously, save it for when Chris and I aren't here. We're trying to sleep." We murmured our apologies as PJ flipped onto his stomach and resumed his peaceful slumber. I looked back over to Dan, immediately snickering along with him. "Can we continue tomorrow?" "Of course." I pressed a brief kiss to his lips before walking back to my sleeping bag, winking at him before closing my eyes. Maybe losing a game of truth or dare isn't so bad!

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