First Kiss

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For @velvetLiquorice, the Dan to my Phil.

Warning: One bad word.

Dan and Phil were snuggled up together on the same beanbag in Dan's basement, spending some quality time together now that they were officially dating. From how they acted for a while, everyone assumed they were already a thing. They practically were, it was just that Phil had never had a crush on a boy before and everything was so new to him. 

But now that he had Dan, his life was perfect. He had a friend he could hang out with as well as a lover who would be happy to snuggle him 24/7. It took them a while to start dating, what with Phil being a nervous wreck and all, but despite that the two felt like they had been dating forever. 

"You're the worst person in the world!" Dan whined as Phil giggled over some stupid pun he just made. He proceeded to abandon Phil by rolling entirely off the beanbag, not giving his boyfriend the satisfaction of cuddling. Phil whined and prodded him in the back. Unable to render a reaction, Phil rolled on top of Dan and patiently waited for him to look up. When he finally did, he did his best impression of those heart-melting puppy dog eyes that could drive any person crazy. 

Triggered, Dan bent down and took a hold of Phil's wrist. He pressed a trail of kisses from there up his arm and all over his face. Phil began giggling uncontrollably and squirming in Dan's grasp. Not wanting him to escape, Dan rolled on top of Phil, pinning him down while he relentlessly attacked him. When Phil's giggled grew weak, Dan slowed and pressed one final kiss to his forehead before rolling off and pulling him to his chest. "You're the worst," Phil groaned in between gasps of air. "I know," Dan teasingly replied, kissing him one last time on the nose. He held Phil close as his breathing slowed down. His body was limp in his arms, but his face was warm and his heartbeat was quick. Dan didn't hesitate to point it out, making Phil all the more flustered. 

Once he regained some composure, Phil stood up and fetched Dan's jacket. He pulled it on to add some extra cuteness and sat back down. It worked like a charm, for the two were soon looking longingly at each other, enraptured by each other's gazes. 

"What?" Phil innocently asked when Dan laughed. "Take a wild guess." "Is it because...I'm cute?" "Mhm," Dan nodded. "Is it... because you love me?" Dan nodded again. "That's not all." 

... "Is it because you want to kiss me?" Dan looked at Phil and nodded, holding his breath to see what would happen. "I'm sorry, but we've only been dating for 8 days. I want to take things slow." Dan nodded and assured Phil he understood, though he couldn't help the sinking feeling in his chest.

Phil, however, was not in the same mental state as Dan. His head was a cacophony of thoughts swirling round and around. "Should I have kissed him? Do I want to kiss him? I really want to kiss him, but I also want to wait. Dan rubbed his thumb across my lip, and that's a clear sign he wants to kiss. Crap, I just stared at his lips. Does he think I'm about to kiss him? Does he think I'm not about to kiss him?"

"Fuck it," Phil said out loud as he grabbed Dan's shoulders. Before the two knew it, their lips were pressed firmly together. Phil's mind was blank and he could only focus on the feeling of his lips on Dan's. Dan, however, was freaking out that Phil was actually kissing him. More than that, for it being Phil's first kiss, he was a really good kisser! 

They pulled away and opened their eyes, staring at each other in shock and affection. "Want to do it again?" Dan asked after a while. Phil nodded and felt himself being pulled in, a pair of lips hastily meeting his. After a few seconds, they again pulled away, only to repeatedly move back to each other. 

As their kisses grew more frequent, Phil found himself trembling in Dan's grasp, relying on him to hold him up during the process. "Are you ok?" Dan asked as he pulled away. Phil nodded and took a deep breath, trying to calm his shaking body. "Was it too much?" "No. It was just intense, but a good kind of intense." "Good." With that, Dan smiled and patiently waited for Phil to return to normal.

To take a break from what just happened, the two decided to take a brisk walk down the street. "The sun's really bright today, but not as bright as your eyes," Phil said as he swung their clasped hands. Dan shook his head and responded with "Well, the weather's pretty hot, but not as hot as you." "The sky is clear, unlike my head when I'm around you." On and on they went, dishing each other bad pickup lines as they walked down the deserted street. They eventually made it to an intersection, and right across it lied a cafe. 

"Want to go grab drinks?" Phil asked as they gazed upon it. "Sure, but we don't have wallets." Slightly disappointed, they turned around and walked back to Dan's house. In a short while, they were back at the cafe and looking eagerly at the menu. "I'm probably not going to get anything," Dan said as Phil ordered his lavender Italian soda. Phil nodded and paid, waiting a mere few minutes for his drink before sitting down. 

It was a lovely little cafe, complete with tables and chairs in the middle and a nice couch in the very back corner. Since it was so quiet, Dan and Phil claimed the couch, their bodies pressed firmly against each other's as they sat. Phil held the drink up to Dan, allowing him to take the first sip. Deemed acceptable, Phil eagerly drank it. Dan took a hold of Phil's hand and the two sat in blissful silence. 

After a few minutes, they walked back home hand-in-hand. Dan had to get going pretty soon for volunteer work and they didn't want him to be late, so they agreed to stop by the cafe another time. As Dan was getting dressed, Phil took the time to look up a song he had heard a long time ago. It wasn't something he remembered all too well, but he knew it was a very lovely song and was perfect for what he planned on doing. 

"Done!" Dan announced after tugging on a bright yellow volunteer shirt. Phil stood up and walked over to him, flopping down on the bed before pulling him down beside him. "You look lovely in yellow," Phil said as he snuggled up to him. "Why thank you!" The two went back to kissing each other, the act growing more and more intense as time went on; Dan gripped the back of Phil's shirt, Phil cupped the back of Dan's head, Dan pulled Phil closer to him... It was like Phil was drowning in Dan in the best way possible. His lips tingled from where they met, his breathing was slowly getting more ragged, and all around him he could feel Dan's sprawling touch. It was his kryptonite, it was his everything. 

"Want to dance to some music?" Phil asked a while after they stopped kissing. Dan said sure and that was enough to get Phil moving. He unlocked his phone, pulled up the song, and set it on the nightstand. As the first chords to Butterfly Kisses came on, he gently pulled Dan to him, rocking him back and forth and slowly making them dance across the bedroom floor. Dan ducked his head and blushed as they looked into each other's eyes, neither of them quite believing what all had happened and what was currently going on. 

As the song went on, Phil stepped away to allow Dan to twirl, causing the two of them to chuckle. They returned to each other's arms, and as the last words were sung, they exchanged a soft, slow kiss that lingered even after they pulled away. 

"I have to go," Dan whispered sadly as his gaze caught the clock. Phil smiled and nodded, picking up his phone and car keys before walking upstairs with him. They stood right by the front door, not quite ready to leave each other. Sure they were going to see each other again, but so much had happened that they didn't want it to stop. "I'll see you soon, ok?" Phil said, assuring Dan and himself that this wasn't goodbye. Dan nodded and gave him one last kiss before watching him walk out the door. 

Throughout the rest of the day, Phil couldn't shake the feeling of Dan's lips on his. The phantom touch caused him to drive home in a daze. Every so often, he would shake his head to remind himself that he needed to focus on the road. It truly was his first kiss, and it was so intense and passionate that he couldn't quite believe it was real. Either way, he knew he couldn't wait to see Dan again so he could get more of those intoxicating kisses he yearned for so badly. 

A/N: So I had my first kiss today and decided to use it as fan fiction material. No joke, this is how it went. Also, I wanted to give a huge thank you to @Daddy_Howellter for not only voting and commenting on my work but for following me! 

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