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(Dan's POV)

"I can't believe it's halfway into our junior year! Where did our childhood go?" I was walking down the hall with Phil and Cat. We had to go to the library for our free period, which had begun a minute ago. "I know, right? I thought it was just yesterday when we signed up for our first high school classes," Cat responded. Phil had been pretty silent, sending many texts on his phone while we walked. "Why are you so quiet, Phil? Seems like Dan and I are doing all the talking." He looked up, flustered. "Oh. Uh, sorry. What's the topic?" he asked as he put his phone in his pocket. 

"The loss of our childhood." Phil rolled his eyes and said, "Is this the moment where Dan will have another existential crisis?" I shot him a look as Cat explained, "No. That'll happen when we talk about college and careers." I stopped in the middle of the hallway and pretended to have a heart attack, effectively falling dramatically onto the floor. They both shook their heads, grabbed one of my arms each, and dragged me into the library. 

After claiming a table near the back so we could talk, Cat and I pulled out our English books while Phil, once again, pulled out his phone. Cat and I shot each other confused looks as Phil started speed texting what could've been every one of his contacts. "Phil, could you please tell me what on earth is causing you to do this?" He looked up and shook his head, returning to his phone. Cat, having enough, stood up and grabbed him by the arm. She dragged him out into the hall as I sat there, staring after them. After they were out of sight, I turned back to my book and continued reading. 

A few minutes later, the both of them came back with smiles on their faces. I looked up and raised my eyebrows at Cat, but she simply shook her head in response. I went back to reading with Cat following suit, and Phil continued frantically texting. 

It was about 40 minutes later when the bell rang. We all got up and walked out of the library and to our next classes. Phil had put away his phone with a satisfied nod to Cat. Something's up. "Why do I get the sinking feeling that you two are plotting something?" Phil laughed and shook his head while Cat said, "What would give you that idea?" I gave up and continued walking, splitting away from them once I reached my English class. I'm one of those kids that does their homework the period before it's due, but let's not focus too much on that. After all, I have pretty descent grades. 

~After School~

I was standing at my locker, pulling my binders out and putting them in my backpack when all of a sudden, someone slammed into me. I collided with the lockers and spun around to face who was there, but refrained from doing anyone any harm when I saw Phil laughing. "Did you seriously just body slam me into the lockers?" "Haha. Maybe?" I rolled my eyes and finished transferring my binders. "So," Phil said as I closed my locker, "Prom is coming up. Got a girl or a guy?" "Ugh. No. I'm too single for this stuff."

We began our walk to the parking lot as we continued to talk. "How about you?" Phil shrugged, and that was all on that subject. We arrived at Phil's car and hopped in. "Want to choose the music today?" "Phil. We literally have the same taste in music," I said as I selected an MCR CD. He laughed and began pulling out of the space as Famous Last Words came on. 

"I'm afraid we can't hang out after school today. I need to do...stuff." "Oh. Ok. That's fine," I said. That's weird. We've hung out every day after school for the past semester. He's never had to decline. We sung along to the music until we pulled up outside of my house. Getting out and grabbing my bag, I said goodbye to him. I closed the door and watched as he drove off, his engine revving as he went. 

After grabbing a snack and sitting down at my desk, I pulled out my homework and began reviewing for a test coming up this Friday. Chewing lightly on the end of my pencil, I thought to myself, "I guess I was simply overreacting about Phil not being able to hang out with me." Switching my focus onto my notes, I was deeply entranced in the world of mathematical equations until my phone started ringing.

Pulling it out of my backpack, I saw Cat's name on the screen. "Yea, Cat?" I could hear muffled talking on the other end of the line before she said, "So I realized I accidently stole one of your binders today and forgot to give it back to you. Um... I'm going back to the school in a bit to drop it off at your locker. Can you give me your combo really quickly?" "Why can't you just give it to me tomorrow when we see each other?" I rationalized. There was silence before I heard Cat say, "Um... Because I've been feeling a bit under the weather and I might not come tomorrow."

Strange. She looked just fine today. "Uh. Ok. It's 23, 14, 11." "23, 14, 11. Got it. Thanks, Dan! See you later!" I hung up and went back to studying. Though after a minute, I slammed my notebook closed and exclaimed, "I had all of my binders in my locker after school!" Dialing Cat, I tapped my foot impatiently as the dialing tone played. One ring, two rings, three... "Hey, this is Cat. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you." I rolled my eyes and hung up, not bothering to tell her over voicemail.

~The Next Day~

I locked my car and bent my head down against the torrential rain as I made my way across the school parking lot. After a few minutes of shuffling my way between cars, I opened the front door and pulled off my hood before any teacher got mad about me having it up. I entered the swiftly flowing current of kids and made my way to Junior Hall. Upon arriving, I looked around and spotted PJ and Chris standing near my locker. "Hey, guys! Horrible weather, huh?"

Both boys turned towards me as I approached and PJ said, "I know! They had to cancel football practice because the field's drowned!" "Don't worry. I'm taking him to get pizza after school as a replacement," Chris explained. "Even though it's not as good as football..." "Hey!" Chris punched PJ in the arm at his remark. I rolled my eyes and began entering my passcode in the lock.

It got eerily quiet between those two as I pulled the lock off. Opening my locker, I saw it was  covered by a giant sheet of paper with a key on it. In block lettering, it said, "Head to room B210 when you get this." I took the sheet out and looked at it confusedly. Turning to PJ and Chris, I raised my eyebrows at their matching grins. "Well, what are you waiting for, Dan?" "Yea! You've got to go somewhere!"

So I hurriedly changed out some binders, closed my locker, and waved goodbye to PJ and Chris as I speed-walked towards the classroom. The door was unlocked, yet the lights were out. I turned them on and looked around for... something? Though all I found was the projector turned on and a sign on the ground that said, "Press play." I walked over to the wireless mouse and keyboard and moved it over the play button. Clicking it, I sat down in one of the desk chairs and watched the movie unfold.

It seemed as if someone held a camera and filmed themselves walking from the front of the school all the way to my locker. However, they didn't show their body or their face, just where they were going. They opened my locker, and sure enough, they put the sheet of paper with the key on it in there. They proceeded to close my locker and make their way somewhere else. I watched as they travelled through the empty hallways to the entrance to the gym. The mystery person then panned the camera to a sheet of paper that was on the ground that said, "Now come to the gym."

I sprinted out of the classroom and made my way to the gym. Making it there in record timing, I pulled open the doors and walked in. A mass of students sat on the bleachers holding pieces of paper that were flipped over on their laps. Upon seeing me, they all stood up and held up the cards to show a picture of a heart. I pulled the sheet with the key out of my backpack and stood there, confused. All of a sudden, Phil walked out of the opposite entrance with a giant sign. I began slowly walking towards him as he crossed the gym, my heart pounding the entire time I walked. Meeting him halfway, I looked and saw that the sign said, "You hold the key to my heart. Will you come to prom with me?"

I let the paper in my hands drop to the ground as Phil stood right in front of me. "Dan, I'm sorry I had to cancel on you yesterday. I had to prepare all of this in time so I could get it right, but can I make it up to you during prom next Saturday?"

My knees were trembling as he spoke, and after he asked me that one question, I lunged towards him and hugged him. "Yes! Of course, Phil! A thousand times yes!" And as we stood there tightly embraced in the middle of the gym, the loud clapping of about three dozen kids were faintly heard throughout the halls that morning.

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