Old and New Memories

364 14 7

(Phil's POV)

I collapsed onto the couch, exhausted from the flight back home from Vidcon. I stretched my legs onto the coffee table and was relieved that my 6'2 tall frame could finally get the chance to expand. I ran my hand through my hair, threading my fingers through the strands, which were wet due to the shower I had taken a few minutes ago. Dan came into the room a few minutes later with two glasses of Ribena, clad in nothing but a t-shirt and underwear, much like myself. His hair was also wet, falling somewhat into his eyes as he walked over to me. He set down the two glasses and brushed his fringe out of his face.

"Time to schedule another appointment with Fabrice."

I laughed and waited for Dan to sit down, pulling him to my chest once he was settled. I felt my shirt start to dampen due to Dan's hair, but I didn't care, and instead placed a small kiss on his temple. I smiled as a sigh escaped from him, and he turned his body so his side was pressed against my chest. I nuzzled the top of his head as he placed his hand on my chest, rubbing small circles into my shirt with his thumb.

"You doing ok, Bear?"

He nodded his head, moving his hand away from my chest and around my neck. I kept one arm firmly around his torso and moved my other one up to comb my fingers through his hair. I accidentally found a knot in his hair, making him flinch as my fingers pulled against it. "Sorry! Sorry! I'm sorry." I quickly moved my hand away from that spot and continued to run my hand through his hair.

"We made two books," Dan said out of the blue.


I continued to mess with his hair as it slowly dried.

"We did a stage show that went to three different continents," he said a few seconds later.

I pulled my hand out of his hair and put it under his chin, lifting his head up so I could see his face. I was shocked to find his eyes a tad bit red, a tear trail already visible from his right eye.

"We got cameo rolls on Big Hero 6. We had a radio show on the BBC. We're living in our third apartment together."

"Dan, baby?"

"We have 6 YouTube channels between us. We have millions of followers! I have a YouTube channel and millions of followers!"

With that, he started to break down, full out sobbing as he grabbed two handfuls of my shirt. I wasn't quite sure what to do since he went from calm to ugly crying (not that he ever is ugly) in the blink of an eye. I awkwardly patted his back as tears fell from his eyes. After a minute or so, Dan started to calm down, occasionally hiccuping as the last tears fell.

"Bear, what's wrong? What's wrong, baby?"

He looked back up to me, a smile on his tear-stained face. "T-thank you, Phil. Thank you for noticing me all those years ago. Thank you for letting me move in, for asking me to be your boyfriend, for encouraging me to start a YouTube channel. You have given me an amazing life and I don't know how I can ever repay you."

I smiled, my heart fluttering in my chest as my beautiful boy thanked me for everything.

"You helped build this life too, you know? You can't give me all the credit," I said as I squeezed him.

"I know, but you started this life. You pushed me to be who I've become. I can't thank you enough for all that you've done, but..."

"But what?"

"But I can try to repay you."

I furrowed my eyebrows and moved my arms off of him as he got off the couch. He rubbed his hands on his pants and took a deep breath. He then pulled a piece of folded paper out of his pocket and handed it to me.

I unfolded it and looked at it. It was a receipt for a honeymoon vacation in the Caribbean. 1 full week staying at a resort on Turks and Caicos complete with an exclusive honeymoon suit with a wall of windows facing the ocean. Also a romantic dinner cruise one night.

I couldn't believe that he booked this. I just couldn't understand one thing.

"Dan," I said, still looking at the paper. "We-we aren't eligible for this. We aren't engaged."

I finally looked up, dropping the paper and letting it fall to the floor as I saw what Dan was doing. As he knelt down, I stood up from the couch, cupping my mouth with my hands. I could hear my heart pound as he reached into the side drawer of the coffee table and pulled out a black box. My vision began to blur with the tears that started to come.

"Phillip Michael Lester, thank you for everything you've done for me, but it's time I need to do something for you. So to continue building our life together, to continue making even more memories together, will you marry me?" he said as he opened the box.

I was shaking so badly, my knees were about to give out. However, I managed to nod my head yes as Dan remained kneeled in front of me. He hoisted himself up using the coffee table and reached out to me, pulling me into his arms as we both started crying. I pulled back just enough to kiss him, forcefully pressing my wet lips against his.

We pulled apart so Dan could put the ring on me. I pressed a hand to my heart as he took my other one and slid the ring on. It was a perfect fit. And though both of our shirts were now wet from our tears and post-shower hair, nothing mattered at that moment, for we were making new memories.

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