Picture Perfect (Part 2)

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On the way to the photo shoot the next morning, I decided to drop by Starbucks to get myself a little treat before work. And by treat, I mean a tall caramel macchiato. Ah, yes. It's like a religion to me. But, as I was just about to order, I decided to get another one for Phil. I didn't know how he liked his coffee, or if he liked coffee at all for that matter, but I hoped he'd like it.

Later on with coffees in hand, I nudged the door to the workplace open and entered the room, immediately overwhelmed by the sound of people talking and running about. I spotted Phil standing by the refreshment table with his nose deep in his phone, so I made my way over to him with the coffees.

Until, of course, someone ran into me at full force.

"Oh my gosh!" I heard the person yell as the coffee leaped from my grasp. In slow motion, I saw Phil look up from his phone, eyes widening in horror as I fell into the puddle of spilled coffee. The other person, Lucy's assistant (I think), managed to regain his footing before he had the chance to hit the floor. Through the mortification of falling face-first in front of Phil, I faintly registered my cheek coming in contact with the hard floor and coffee seeping into my shirt.

I snapped out of the slow-motion daze to see Lucy's assistant covering his face with his hands, Lucy loudly asking me if I was ok, and Phil crouching down in front of me. I looked up at him and felt tears of shame drop from my eyes as he grabbed my hands and pulled me up. Once I was standing, I let go from his grasp to wipe the tears from my eyes and dart to the restroom, locking the door firmly behind me.

I slumped to the floor and let the sobs rack my body, the force shaking my shoulders and entire upper torso as I sat limp against the door. I heard a faint knock after a few minutes and a voice asking if they could come in. Hesitantly, I stood up, unlocked the door, and opened it just enough to see Phil standing outside with a change of clothes and a half-smile on his face. Well, it would've been rude to shut the door, so I opened it enough to let him in.

"Hey," he said after he shut the door behind himself. "Are you ok?" I nodded as I sniffed and wiped a stray tear from my face. I felt embarrassed as he looked at me with a pitying gaze, letting me know that he indeed did see everything. "I...um...I brought you your clothes for the shoot. And, um, I wanted to say thank you." "For what? What on Earth did I do besides screw up this morning?" "You bought me coffee! No one has done that for me before! It was, well, sweet, and I was very happy when I realized you really did buy a coffee for me and I wasn't dreaming." He was looking downwards a bit as his cheeks turned pink and I diverted my eyes from him as I felt my own face turn a tomato red.

"We should get you out of those clothes." I nodded and took the clothes from him, ridding myself of my own, coffee-stained shirt a moment later. "Wait! Before you put it on," Phil said as he reached over to the sink to grab a paper towel and run it under the tap. He stepped closer to me and pressed the towel to my chest, running it lightly over my skin to get rid of the leftover coffee. I held my breath as I watched him work, his eyes solely trained on getting every last bit of sticky residue off of me. After he was done, he stepped back a bit and looked back at my face, smiling before he threw the towel away.

"I'll leave you to change. I've got to change, too, so I'll see you on set!" And with one last smile, he opened the door wide enough so he could slip through, and closed it gently behind him. I let out the breath I had been holding as I stared at the door, still a little rattled from all that had happened within the past 30 minutes.

Eventually, I did make it out of the bathroom, though my eyes were a bit puffy from crying, so I headed immediately over to makeup. "Dan! I am so so so so so so so sorry about bumping into you and making you spill the coffee. Oh my gosh. You probably hate me now and want me to leave, but I just wanted to apologize and promise that-" "Hey, what's your name?" "M-my name?" Lucy's assistant stuttered out. "Um, Kade. Kade McLean." "Well, Kade," I said as I stopped to properly talk to him. "It's all good. No need to apologize. Everyone makes mistakes! And besides, the coffee wasn't all that important." I mean, it was, but the poor guy was practically about to get on his knees and beg for mercy, which I didn't want him to resort to. "Really?" "Really." "Oh. Well, thank you for not being mad! And, um, if you need anything, I'll be around."

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