Picture Perfect (Part 6)

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"I never thought
That I would make it out alive
Am I wrong
I never thought I'd see a light
See a light"

I cracked open my eyes as my phone's alarm began playing my favorite song. Opting for a more relaxing wake-up than my alarm clock today, I felt more refreshed and less disturbed when I was woken up.

From Phil: Gooooooood morning! Lucy just texted me that our photo shoot isn't until 10:00 today. Want to come over and cook pancakes with me?

Just as I read his text, my phone vibrates and Lucy's text came in.

From Lucy: As luck would have it, the costume company delivery is running late (I'm about to tear out my hair), so the shoot is at 10:00 today. I'll see you at the studio. Don't get into any trouble.

From Dan: Sorry about that, and ok Mother.

From Lucy: Don't make me rip your hair out, too...

I hastily left our conversation and returned to Phil's.

From Dan: Good morning! I wish I could come over, but I am terribly lazy. And I still need to get ready.

From Phil: I can come to your house if you want.

Well, ok then!

From Dan: Ok! My address is ___.

From Phil: Sweet! I'll be there in 10.

Just as I registered the fact that Phil would be over in 10 minutes, I leapt from my bed, dashed over to the dresser, and started pulling out a random outfit to slap on. Lavender shirt and...white jeans... I guess it works? I dunno. I added white Vans and a white rose flower crown to make it a bit neater. As I finished by brushing my teeth and fixing my hair, I was done right as the doorbell rang. Good lord, he was speedy.

"Hey, Da- wow..." I hid my face behind my curly fringe as he looked me up and down, absorbing the pastel monster that I had transformed into. "I didn't mean to be pastel. I just pulled out random things and this happened." He cracked a smile and responded with a simple, "Well, I like it." I ushered him in and closed the door behind him, then leading him into the kitchen.

"Right," Phil said as he clapped his hands together. "Let's get cooking." I laughed and reached up into the pantry to pull out the flour, sugar, and other ingredients that were needed. I handed Phil an apron and grabbed the spare one for me, not realizing that it was...well...not what I remembered it to be. "Hot stuff coming through?" Phil asked as he read my apron, soon bursting into a fit of giggles. "S-stop! My friend gave it to me," I whined. He slapped his knee and took a deep breath, only causing him to giggle some more. I rolled my eyes and jokingly hit him on the arm before getting out a metal bowl. "C'mon. These pancakes aren't going to make themselves."

As we were measuring out ingredients, Phil began humming a familiar tune, yet I couldn't put my finger on it. "What is that?" "We Are Young. Ever heard of it?" "Yes!" I exclaimed as I ran out of the kitchen. "Wai-wait, Dan! Where? What?" I came back moments later with my phone, We Are Young starting to flow from the speaker. Phil smiled and turned back to the bowl as I set the phone down. I cracked a few eggs as he began humming along, and I couldn't help looking at him as he succumbed to the flow of the music. He looked so peaceful, so hot, and...you ever get those moments where something's so amazing it's too good for words? Yea. It was that.

Phil noticed my staring and turned to me, stepping closer as he sung along with my phone. I stood still as he put a hand where his heart is, extending the other and opening it to gesture to me.

We are young
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter
Than the sun"

He took my hands and spun me around the kitchen, laughter bubbling out of my mouth as he sung to me.

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