Free (Part 3)

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When I woke up, I was back in Dan's bedroom. It hadn't yet occurred to me that I was taking up Dan's sleeping place, but when I realized it, I quickly got out of bed and made my way downstairs. Just as I had expected, Dan was curled up on the couch. Little snores escaped his lips as he slept, somehow making him cuter than I remembered from last night.

Last night.

Like a truck, last night's memories suddenly hit me: waking up in his pajamas, eating the dinner he made me, cuddling in front of the television... It was all so comforting... Like this was my home...

I shook my head to clear it. Dan would probably kick me out in a few days once I was completely better. I'd better enjoy this while it lasts.

Anyway, I didn't want to bother him, so I walked back upstairs and sat on the bed. I didn't know quite what to do, so I looked at the photos on his walls again. Now that I was observing them more closely, I could see that Dan was quite a bit younger in them. He was sporting one of those big smiles that little kids give cameras when asked to hold still for a picture. He had little freckles dotting his face and a slight bruise on one of his cheeks. For some odd reason, it was quite strange to see him when he was younger. I couldn't describe it. It just...was.

Eventually, I thought I heard some movement coming from downstairs, so I went back down. The living room was empty, but the room to the left of the stairs seemed alive. When I walked in, I saw Dan facing away from me towards a pot of boiling water. He was measuring something from a box and singing a song in what sounded like a different language. I watched as he swung his hips to the melody, his pajama pants accenting his figure.

"태초의 DNA가 널 원하는데, 이건 필연이야 I love us, 우리만이 True lovers- Oh!" When I heard the singing stop, I felt my face grow red as I saw Dan looking over his shoulder at me. He blushed a bit, but giggled nonetheless. "Enjoying the show, huh? Breakfast will only take a few more minutes. How about you sit down at the table?"

I shamefully slunk over and sat in one of the wood chairs, feeling as though I had been caught watching something I shouldn't have seen. It didn't seem to bother Dan too much, but I didn't want to risk making him uncomfortable and getting kicked out.

As promised, Dan sat down with me a few minutes later. In front of each of us was a plate of slop topped with some sort of berries. I was hesitant to take a bite, fearing that it was the same thing that was served to me in the lab. "It's oatmeal, don't worry. It's really lovely. I added cinnamon, maple syrup, and brown sugar to it, so it should be sweet enough."

I grabbed the spoon and scooped some up, making sure to blow on it before taking a bite. Like Dan told me, it was a pleasantly sweet dish that tasted much better than the lab stuff. I quickly ate it up, feeling quite full and happy once I finished. Dan was smiling at me as I set the bowl down. "What?" I asked. "Oh, nothing."

Since I was better, Dan decided to get me dressed in some of his clothes so we could walk downtown. "Sunlight really helps with illness, and since you've been deprived of it while you were in the lab, you need it." My steps were still a bit shaky, so Dan allowed me to hold his hand as we walked. Though it was really bright, the sun indeed felt good. The cold didn't bother me now that I had Dan's warm clothes wrapped around my body. They even smelled of him! Hopefully that's not creepy.

We wandered into a clothing store and Dan allowed me to meander about and pick some clothes out. "I'll pick some out for you, too, but you should choose your own for the most part." The shop was pretty small, but was packed with different racks. I wandered over to what was a giant rack of various colors that had a sign that said "50% Off." Whatever it meant, it seemed to be a good start. I began shuffling through the rack when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

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