Light Years Away (Part 9)

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If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning. - C.S. Lewis


Journal Entry: 10 December 3009 (Day 2,090)

Condition of Ship: Stored in warehouse, no repairs yet

Coordinates: 31,639,859 X, 500,750,633 Y, 1,953 Z

Observations:  .Occupying Sciencia

                               .King has turned hostile

                               .I am now the cause of the war between Earth and Sciencia

Peace Treaty Status: Negative progress made


I didn't sleep well last night since I was too scared of what was going on. I took comfort in the fact that Phil hadn't given up on me, but it was not enough. I needed to solve this.

I woke up to find Phil's arms wrapped around my waist as he spooned me in his sleep. I could feel the puffs of his breath hit the back of my neck. It made my heart ache at how caring he was, but at the same time, I felt like I was taking advantage of his generous hospitality.

While my thoughts occupied me, I didn't notice Phil's change of breathing as he woke up. I only snapped out of my thoughts when I felt his lips brush against the back of my neck. "Good morning," he huskily whispered as he pressed kisses onto my skin. I smiled and rubbed my thumb back and fourth against his arm.

"I don't want to leave this bed. And that never happens," he said as he pulled me closer. I turned around with his arms still wrapped around me, facing him so I could properly see his sleepy expression. His adoring gaze ran across my features as he reached a hand up to play with my curls. I sighed with happiness and leaned in to kiss him. He tightened the grip on my curls and smiled into the kiss. "Want me to teach you something new?" I asked in between pecks. He pulled back just enough to look into my eyes as he answered. "Sure."

I cupped his face in my hands and ran my tongue over his lips. When he opened his mouth to gasp, I dove in and began slowly running my tongue across his. I could feel his face start to heat up and his markings glow brighter as I alternated between circling his tongue and grazing mine against his lips. I pulled back a bit as he started trembling, fearing that I had gone too far.

"More...more..." he whimpered as he pulled me back to him. I went right back in and tugged on the hairs on the nape of his neck, feeling pleased as he whined.

After a while, I slowed down and finished off with a soft kiss to his lips before pulling back and looking at him. He was still shaking a bit, but the blissed-out expression on his face proved that he was ok. "Wow," he whispered as he dazedly stared at me. I smiled and nuzzled my nose against his. "That's what we humans call 'making out.' It's very affectionate." "Wow," he whispered again.

We stayed in bed for a few more minutes before venturing out for breakfast. Phil's mom was already busy cooking and his dad was helping her, too. They both smiled at us when we walked in, quickly getting back to their task so as to not take too long. "My parents love cooking when we have company. I forgot about that." I nodded and sat down next to Phil at the dining table, soon joined by his two sleepy siblings.

One of them sat down beside me, giving me a little wave as they yawned. The other simply crawled into my lap and tucked their head under my chin. I laughed and cradled them against me as they sleepily mumbled against the fabric of my smock. I glanced over at Phil, who was observing me with a sappy smile on his face. I rolled my eyes but leaned over to kiss him as he lovingly gazed at me. "Thank you for being so kind to my siblings. They aren't the easiest to manage, I must admit." "Of course."

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