Ignite (Part 2)

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"Mathew! Mathew! You won't believe what I just did!" As soon as Dan arrived back at his house, he ran to his computer and Skyped his best friend. Poor Mathew was a tad bit alarmed to find Dan screaming into the microphone as soon as he picked up, but he was used to Dan's quirks after years of knowing him. 

"Dare I ask what?" Dan ignored Mathew's exasperated reply and plowed through his recap of what happened. "And then I flew into a filing cabinet, but it was all good because I saw him! His name's Phil Lester and he's very rude but he's handsome as heck and I'm going to visit him again." "Wouldn't he stop sending you the headphones, though?" Mathew asked, a little hesitant to let Dan go through with this. 

"Oh, I think he won't mind. After all, he might act grumpy around me, but he secretly likes me."


"Rick Bernard to Oslo... I hate Daniel Howell... Nicky Manuel to Soweto... I hate Daniel Howell..." Phil, needless to say, did not feel what Dan thought he did. If anything, he loathed him. He never wanted anyone to see him, and while he could understand Dan's innocent mistake, he should've left the minute Phil told him to. 

"Paul Davidson to Calgary... I hate Daniel Howell... Maya Elsworth to Linz... I hate Daniel Howell..." The more he said it, the more he felt it. He didn't want to see Daniel Howell's name ever again on his old computer screen. Well, maybe he wouldn't mind if he wanted to be teleported somewhere else, but other than that!


Fast forward a few weeks and Dan's dad was already back, and his mom was getting home from work earlier than normal. Everything was right in Dan's life, right?

Wrong. Not only have the bullies been keeping up with their mission to destroy him, his grades have been steadily falling. His teachers didn't really care about it, but at the same time, his parents were getting on his case. They'd threatened to take away his computer, his only way to Skype Mathew, if he didn't get at least all Bs by the end of the semester. 

Dan plopped his book bag down on his bed and sighed. Today was another rough day with grades, aka a D on his algebra test. He was too afraid to show it to his parents in case they went ahead and took away his computer, but at the same time, he wanted to get it off his chest. 

He was conflicted, growing more and more anxious as the minutes passed by. If only he could get a hold of a pair of headphones! If only!

Well, his grades might have been failing him, but the headphones sure didn't. When he turned around, he found a pair lying pristinely on his nightstand. Without a moment of hesitation, he placed them over his ears and listened to the sweet melody flowing through them. Finally, he could get a break.


"Daniel Howell...Seriously!?"


Instead of knocking into the filing cabinet, which had just been reorganized, Dan landed right beside Phil's desk chair. Phil would've been scared out of his wits had he not been so vexed. 

"You...little..." Dan raised his hands and backed away slowly, not expecting Phil to look like he was ready to choke him. "Please don't hurt me, ok? I mean no harm by coming here." "Technically, I can have you arrested for breaking and entering. I told you to get out last time! What makes this time any different!?" Dan flinched as Phil raised his voice, now feeling like he messed up by coming here. "I'm sorry. I will leave now." 

At that moment, Phil could've kissed him. Out of relief, I mean. He wanted nothing more than to hear those sweet words come from his lips. Except...Dan looked sad. Like, really sad. You know the kind of sad a puppy is when you take away its favorite toy? Yea, that kind of sad. He tried to resist, he tried to walk towards the office door, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

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