Pillow Fort

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(Dan's POV)

Moving seriously sucks.

I know that's a pessimistic thing to say, but hey, I am the embodiment of pessimism and suffering.

It took Phil and I five hours to get my bedroom packed and the storage closet emptied out. Five. Hours. After we packed the last box with the miscellaneous crap from my video background, I collapsed on the floor, the box sitting nearby. Phil sat on the bare mattress, drinking water and panting from the strenuous exercise that came from lifting the many boxes we had packed over the past several hours.

"So, we've packed your room, the storage closet, and the plates and silverware from the kitchen. What do you want to pack next?"

I thought about packing up his room, but soon realized that if we did do that, we'd have nowhere to sleep.

"Not your bedroom. I want to keep that so we have somewhere to sleep."

"The lounge?"


Phil made no move to get up, so I rolled onto my side and curled up into the fetal position. I spotted the box that contained all of my stuffed animals, including the once Phil gave me a long time ago. It would be a while before it made an appearance again. Bored, yet tired out of my mind, I repeatedly kicked the box with my toe, creating a dull tap every time my foot came in contact with it.

"Are you seriously going to do that for the next 5 minutes?"

I stopped, huffing and turning onto my other side.

"Well if you're so bored, I've got an idea."

I furrowed my eyebrows as he climbed off the bed, making his way over to where I was lying. "Up," he commanded. "Ugh. Why?" "So you can stop being bored, now up!"

I grudgingly shoved myself into a standing position, glaring at Phil. He smirked as he spun around and made his way out of the door. After taking a quick drink of water (Stay Hydrated), I walked downstairs and into the lounge, immediately flinching from a bombardment of pillows and blankets.

"What the hell, Phil?"

"Pillow fort!" he replied as he began to rearrange the furniture so we'd have a bigger space on the floor. I helped him set up some chairs so we had walls for the fort. We then went on either side of them to lay down the blankets, laughing when Phil nearly collapsed on top of the structure.

A few minutes later, Phil went to the kitchen to make some hot cocoa for us while I set up the pillows inside the fort. I laid down the last blanket on the ground under the fort and aesthetically arranged the pillows on top of it. Wiggling myself out of the fort to avoid collapsing the blanket that was expertly draped over the chairs, I set up Free! on the tv. By the time I had paused it on the beginning of the first episode, Phil came back in the room with two mugs of steaming cocoa.

"Ready?" I nodded, taking the mugs from him so he can get into the fort. "Ooh! I like the pillows. Very artistic."

"Aesthetic, Phil! Get it correct!"

I passed him the two mugs and crawled in after him with the remote. Taking one of the mugs back from him, I pressed play and snuggled into the pillows, sipping on the hot liquid. I felt Phil nudge his arm between me and the pillows, so I shifted to cuddle into him, enjoying the way my heart fluttered as he squeezed me. I looked up at him and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.

"I love you, Phil."

"I love you too. I can't believe we're actually moving."

"Yea. We need to tell our subscribers soon. I wonder if they've guessed that we're moving?"

"I highly doubt it. We are very good at hiding things."


And with those last words, we turned our attention back to the tv as the episode began, sipping hot cocoa and snuggling under the fort.

*Change Phil's bedroom to Dan's bedroom.

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