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The crisp evening air ruffled Phil's hair as he sat outside. All around him, the slowly setting sun painted the sky in bold pink and yellow hues. The smell of the recent rain perfumed the air around him and the sounds of tiny insects rang in his ears. He was content.

"I brought the sleeping bags," a voice eventually spoke. Phil turned and watched as Dan closed the back door behind him, waddling over with a couple of bags in his arms. "Thank you, baby," he said. The two were staying in a mountain lodge to a break from work. It was nestled deep in the Rocky Mountains, the nearest house being a good mile away from them. Out there, they could do whatever they wanted. Whether it was skinny dipping in the hot tub outside or playing tag in the front yard like a couple of kids, no one would be able to see them. Since it was their first night staying there, they decided to bring some sleeping bags out and star gaze before bedtime.

The two unzipped the bags and turned them into blankets, lying on one while using the other to cover themselves. Dan was in his underwear and an oversized sweatshirt while Phil was topless and in his Cookie Monster pajama bottoms. Needless to say, it made cuddling quite a lovely experience. They held each other close as the sun slowly set, the colors of the sky fading and turning into a pale indigo. As night settled in, the twinkling lights of the distant town stood out against the mountains.

"I love you so much," Dan sighed as they looked to the horizon. Phil dragged his gaze away from the distant civilization and settled on Dan, finding him already looking lovingly at him. "I love you, too. Very, very much." He leaned forward and pressed a light, lingering kiss on his lips, relishing the tingling sensation left in its wake. When he opened his eyes, Dan was smiling blissfully at him like there could be no wrong in the world. "Why are you so darn cute?" Dan asked. Phil blushed and ducked his head, still easily flustered after all these years. "I-I dunno." 

"Well, I think you are," Dan earnestly said as he pulled Phil back to him. The two closed their eyes and passionately kissed, only pulling away to reconnect moments later. The air was getting chilly, but the two were nice and warm. Eventually, Dan pressed one last kiss to Phil's lips before pulling back and looking at him. His hand rose up and fiddled with Phil's black locks, finding them easily blending in with the night sky. Up above, the Milky Way shone bright and faintly illuminated the area around them. "How are you even real?" Dan asked as Phil rolled over and settled on top of him. He giggled and buried his face in Dan's chest. Dan's hands continued fondling his hair, never letting go as Phil bashfully hid his face from Dan's longing gaze.

"Hey, check it out!" Phil peeked his head out and saw hundreds of tiny specks of light floating around them. They watched as one came closer, eventually landing on Dan's nose. "Daniel the yellow-nose reindeer," Phil teasingly sang. Dan swatted at him, the force shaking the bug from his face. "Aw, you scared him away!" "You were being mean!" Phil rolled his eyes but gave Dan an apologetic kiss nonetheless. 

"You know what my mom used to tell me about fireflies?" Phil mused a while later. "What?" "Well, she said back in the really really old days, like near the beginning of the human race, light only came from the sun and fire. When man first created fire, they noticed the embers would spark and cause little flecks of fire to fly everywhere. So when they saw fireflies for the first time, they thought they were floating embers. Someone called it firefly, simply stating that the fire is flying but not knowing it was a bug." "Your mom has weird ideas." "Hey, I believe her!" "Yea, yea. Now get off me so we can get up and play with the bugs."

Phil knew he meant no harm with his words, so he stood up and the two began trying to chase the fireflies, swatting at them in attempt to catch them. They were lunging to and fro, trying to get close enough to grab the tiny glowing insects that were almost always out of reach. "Got one!" Dan shouted a few moments later. Phil trotted over and waited for Dan to open his clasped hands. When he did, they could see a tiny light flickering in his palms. Having a chance to escape, the bug hurriedly took off. 

By the time Phil managed to catch his own, they were both heavily yawning. Their eyes drooped as they looked into Phil's clasped hands, the bug nestled peacefully in his grasp. "I think I'm going to head to bed," Dan mumbled as he grabbed his sleeping bag. Phil released the bug into the air and followed suit. They went back into the house, turned off the lights, and snuggled up together in bed. 

As tired as they were, they stayed up just a bit longer to talk, planning out what they were going to do tomorrow. Phil kept yawning after every sentence, so Dan forced him to stop talking and go to sleep. With one last kiss shared between them, Dan drifted off. Phil, almost asleep, took one last peek out the window and saw the tiny glowing dots of fireflies frolicking in the yard. "Goodnight, fireflies," he whispered. And with those last words, he snuggled up to Dan under the covers and dreamed peacefully in their quiet mountain lodge.

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