Light Years Away (Part 5)

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The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper. -Eden Phillpotts


Journal Entry: 24 October 3009 (Day 2,043)

Condition of Ship: Stored in warehouse, no repairs yet

Coordinates: 31,639,859 X, 500,750,633 Y, 1,953 Z

Observations: .Checked in yesterday with BAI

.Occupying Sciencia

.Aliens have no boundaries and no problem with discussion of mating

.King is crabby as diddly heck

Peace Treaty Status: No progress made


It was three days after my talk with King Morenae and the first day of school. Yes, actually school. I would be attending this planet's system of "college" to learn about history. For learning about the war, I'd be going to the library to read books. And for technology, I'd have Phil to show me the ropes.

Some progress has been made so far. Not with the treaty, but with the hunk of bent metal you could call a ship. King Morenae ordered for his soldiers to transport it to a nearby storage warehouse thing where it will be kept until they had time to make repairs.

"This here," Phil said as he placed a dot in my ear, "is a universal translator. Micro sized! It will help you for college. You won't be able to ask questions in our language, but you can hear what's going on. When you go to the library, there will be a universal book translator in the building itself. It should have a symbol like this." Phil held up a little wristwatch that projected holograms. On it was one of the strange squiggles that reminded me of a bottle in his spice cupboard. Though I doubt he had translator seasoning in there.

"You will wear this to see photos I have saved in here as well as to keep in contact with me. When you call me, I'll pop up as a hologram. Don't worry, it's real-time. Recorded messages can be accessed by pressing this button." He rotated the watch and pressed one of several buttons that were on the watch's side. The screen said there were no messages.

"Extend your wrist, please." I held my hand out and allowed him to fasten the watch on."Do I have to go to college alone?" "I'm afraid so," he said as he released his hands from the watch. "I have duties here besides being your personal translator. King Morenae's only given me a short break to help you get situated. Your bus should be here any minute now. If you ever feel uncomfortable or just want someone to talk to, press this button to call me." He grabbed my hand and turned it to where he could point to the button. "All good?" "Yea, thanks." He smiled and released his grasp on my hand, which absurdly dismayed me. "You know how you say all types of affection can be shown by a hug?" "Yea?" "May I?" I smiled and nodded, immediately feeling Phil's arms wrap around my shoulders. "Am I doing this right?" "Here," I said as I pulled back a bit so I could reach his arms. I put them around my waist and dove back in, Phil doing very much the same. He was warm. Smelled nice, too.

"Your bus," he said as he pulled back. "It is here." I turned to where Phil was looking, and out the window down below us was a floating grey bus. "Have fun, ok?" I nodded, hugging him one more time before running out the door and onto the bus.

I entered the bus, surprised, yet not surprised there was no bus driver. There were many alien students chatting as I walked down the aisles, but as I passed each row, they grew silent. By the time I had made it to the only free seat left, everyone was starting at me. It was like high school, but worse.

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