Listen To Me

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(Dan's POV)

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" Phil asked as we stood outside my house. I nodded and gave him a quick hug before watching him leave, backpack happily bouncing against him in time with his steps. I smiled to myself before walking in and closing the door behind me, taking a deep breath and smelling the cookies Mom baked not too long ago. Today was a good day. Then again, any day was a good day when I was with Phil. I loved our daily walks to and from school where we'd always joke around or flirt or do whatever we pleased during that time. I allowed my backpack to drop off of my shoulders and hit the floor so I could explore the kitchen. I quickly found a plate with cookies on it along with a note.

"Your father and I are going out for the evening. I baked you cookies and bought you a pizza for dinner. We'll see you tomorrow! Love!"

I grabbed the plate and took it to the table, leaving momentarily to grab my homework. I swear, teachers give me too much homework. 

It took me until dinner to finish it. After slamming my textbook closed, I went back into the kitchen to grab the pizza and take it into the lounge. I turned on the TV and switched it to whatever program looked the most interesting before eating. I think it took me an hour or so to realize that I wasn't absorbing what was on the screen, so I switched it off and headed to bed. I might as well get some sleep for tomorrow.


I woke up to my alarm and hurriedly got dressed, not wanting for Phil to have to wait on me. Grabbing a slice of pizza, I flung my backpack over one shoulder and skipped out the front door. I checked my phone and saw that I was a few minutes early, so I sat on the steps and munched on the pizza while I waited for Phil.

One minute...

Two minutes...

Five minutes...

At this point, fearing that I would miss part of my calculus class during first period, I disheartenly stood up and walked to school. A cute couple passed by me on the sidewalk, laughing and looking like they hadn't a care in the world. I pushed the aching feeling of wishing that they were Phil and I away and plodded on. I made good timing and got to school with a  minute to spare, but instead of lollygagging by the front doors, I went to my locker before going to calc. Right as I walked in, however, I stopped dead in my tracks. For there was Phil, sitting at his desk.

I sat down next to him and waited until he finished his conversation with Chris before speaking. "Hey, Phil. Where were you this morning?" I waited for his response, but he didn't seem to hear. I was about to ask again, but the teacher walked in and began the day's lesson. I sulked as I copied down the notes, occasionally shooting a glance at Phil. He hadn't paid me any attention yet, which was definitely out of the ordinary. 

The bell signalling the end of the class period rang and we all packed up our bags. I stood up and turned to Phil, ready to do our usual one-on-one race to our next classes, but he simply walked out on his own. Shocked, I ran after him and tried to grab his arm. Right before I could reach him, he took a sharp turn and vanished down the hall among the mass of students. I slowly lowered my arm, feeling my heart sink. I would've tried to follow him, but the one minute warning bell sounded, prompting me to go to class. 

I spent the rest of the morning in sheer anxiety over why Phil wouldn't talk to me. Did he not like our walk together yesterday? Did he not want to see me at all? I guessed I would find out during lunch, so when the bell rang, I hurriedly grabbed my stuff and ran outside to where we normally sat. It took a few minutes for Phil to come, but he did. I smiled and was about to say hello when he sat down and turned away from me. I wasn't mad, no. I was furious. 

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