A Chance to Relax

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(Phil's POV)








"Dan?" "Aaaaaaaaaaaaarg." "What's wrong?" "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarg." I rolled my eyes and hopped off of the couch to go and investigate what was happening to my lump of a boyfriend, who was currently editing a video upstairs. Upon entering, I found him bumping his head repeatedly on the desk, revealing the cause of the thuds I was hearing from downstairs. "My, that looks painful." "Arg." He made no move to stop, so I walked over and wheeled him away from his desk. He flung his head back on the chair and sighed, sounding like he always did when he lost his keys or wallet. 

"iMovie crashed agaaaaaaaaaain. I didn't have anything saved and now 30 minutes of editing has gone down the draaaaaaaain." From past experiences with him when events like this occurred, I immediately went over to the couch and laid down as usual. I looked over to him and patted my chest so as to get him to come and lay down on top of me. Sure enough, he dragged himself out of the chair and flopped down on top of me, causing me to wince a bit at the impact. I began to fiddle with his curls as he squished his cheek against my chest. "Why does this always happen?" 

"Because," I calmly stated, "Technology isn't always perfect." He sighed and closed his eyes, thoroughly giving up on his intent on completing the task later. Trust me, I knew. "How about we go to the spa?" "The spa?" "Yea!" "When?" "20 minutes?" "But Phil! That's on such short notice. Plus, I have to reedit the video!" "C'mon, Dan. You and I both know you won't finish it today. Plus, we have been talking about taking a spa trip for a long time." He was silent, which I knew meant he was almost about to say yes. He just needed one more reason. "Plus, you can wear that cute new swimsuit you bought." I could practically hear his struggle to come up with an excuse as to why we shouldn't go, but like always, he complies. "Fiiiiine. Just give me a few more minutes of cuddles before I go and get dressed." 

Within a few minutes of getting up, Dan and I were in our bedroom changing. I turned around after getting my board shorts and a random, over-sized shirt on to glance at Dan. Well, glance is an understatement. More like ogle at his fantastic butt. I wasn't kidding when I said his swimsuit was cute! He was wearing a pair of swim trunks that ended a bit above mid-thigh, were colored a baby blue, and had a cute white drawstring tied into a bow on the front. Best of all, it perfectly showed off his curves and butt. 

"Ok," he said after he put on a pair of sweatpants over it, much to my disappointment. "I'm ready." So, we took a cab and ended up at Rejuve after a few minutes. I did quite a bit of research for the past month or so on spas, so I knew we were in for a treat. "Let's go," I said after paying the driver. I wrapped my arm around his waist as we entered the building, immediately getting hit with the relaxing scent of lavender. "Hello! How may I help you two?" 


We were led into a semi-spacious room decorated with eucalyptus plants and tiny waterfalls, making my inner childlike self squeal in excitement. Dan shot me an amused eye-roll before lying face-down on one of the massage tables. We threw our street clothes into a locker a mere few minutes ago, and now, in our swimsuits, we awaited our masseuses to come and relieve the tension built up in our muscles. Sure enough, two ladies came in and turned on some relaxing spa music as they began to give us our full-body massages. 

I swear, I tried not to fall asleep like most people do, but it was SO relaxing and I could hear Dan faintly snoring from the table beside me, so I couldn't help myself. When I came to, Dan was looking over at me with a blissed-out expression. "Wakey wakey, Mr. Sleepyhead," he whispered as he smiled at me.

"Mmmmm. That was amazing." "I know, but now it's time for our mud baths. Whatever those are?" I hummed and rolled over to the edge of the table, taking my sweet time getting back onto my feet. I threw on the complimentary slippers and robe the spa gave us, grabbed Dan's hand, and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before leaving the small room and going down the hallway to a different room. We were shown to our own two mud baths in a private room, complete with flavoured water and face masks. 

"Haha. You look like an alien," I said as I taunted Dan, who only stuck out his tongue in return after putting on his face mask. He eyed the mud warily and dipped a toe into the warm goo, a displeased expression on his face. "This feels weird." "I know, but it's supposed to be awesome. Here, I'll go first." I stepped in and submerged myself up to the top of my neck, leaving only my head and hands out of the soothing mud. "It's amazing! Get in already!" He cringed a bit more as he got in, but after a few seconds of being in, all pained expressions were erased from his face. "See?" "Aaaaah. This is amazing." 

I sipped a bit of my cucumber and mint water as I plugged in a pair of headphones and turned on a satisfying video compilation on my phone, feeling myself relax more than I thought was humanly possible. I glanced over at Dan, chuckling a bit at the fact that he put cucumber slices on his eyes, making him more alien-like than before. 


It took us a solid two hours to get out of the cooled mud baths. Before we had to leave to get back in time for dinner, we decided on spending the last hour in the pool and hot tub room. We hastily made our way over to the showers beforehand, feeling very sticky from all of the mud that was covering us. We washed each other's bodies off with lightly fragranced shower gel and pressed soft kisses to each other's faces, backs, and shoulders throughout the process. After basking in each other's caring nature, we wrapped ourselves in robes and wandered over to the pools. "Are you more relaxed now?" "Oh my gosh, yes," Dan replied as he held the door open for me. 

He did, in fact, look better. His skin was practically glowing, the bags under his eyes seemed less prominent, and he seemed like a healthier version of the Dan he was this morning. I attentively watched him rid himself of his robe, arching his back in the process, which led to his butt pushing out a bit. Those baby blue shorts, I swear, will be the death of me. "You look so beautiful," I whispered as I came up beside him. "Sh-shut up," he mumbled, despite the growing blush on his cheeks. Even after all these years, I can still make him the awkward, love-struck teenager he was when we first met. 

I smiled as he grabbed my hand and eagerly dragged me towards the empty hot tub. I guess weekday afternoons are best for going to the spa; only a few other people shared the room with us. We settled on a little bench submerged well beneath the bubbling water, tilting our heads a bit to keep our faces dry. "Look up, Phil." I did and watched as patterns of the water reflected on the ceiling. It was mesmerizing. 

"Thank you, Phil." "Hmm?" "Thank you for the spa trip." I looked over to him to find him looking at me with a heart-melting gaze that could only be described as full of love. "Of course, my Bear. You needed this." "WE needed this he said as he snuggled into my side. I wrapped an arm over his back and pulled him closer to me, relishing his touch as the water swirled around us. 

Maybe later he'll complete the editing. But right now, he got what he clearly needed: a chance to relax. 

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