Bath Time

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(Phil's POV)

We had just gotten back from Vidcon when we went to bed. Forget showering, forget eating, we were tired. After crawling into the bed with Dan after I turned out the lights, I turned my back to him and closed my eyes.

I waited.

And waited.

I started to shift positions every few minutes, trying to get comfortable while obviously annoying Dan. "Can you not sleep?" he asked. "No. Stupid jetlag." He sighed and got out of bed, making his way towards the door. "Wait! Where are you going?" "To the bathroom."

He closed the door behind him, leaving me in the quiet, dark room. I moved onto my other side and gazed out of the window. The moon was full, shining brightly in the sky. It seemed oddly quiet for London, but our house is much quieter now that we've moved locations. I watched as a plane crossed the sky, its lights flashing as it trailed the dark abyss.

I kept staring out the window until Dan came back in. He went to my side of the bed and grabbed my arms, yanking me out of the bed. "Hey! Abuse! Abuse!"

"Oh shut up and come see what I did for you before screaming abuse!"

And so he dragged me all the way to the bathroom, not letting go of my arms until we entered. I looked around to see he had lit scented candles in various places, making the room smell of lavender and vanilla. The bathtub was full of water and a bath bomb had been swirled around in it. I turned to Dan, watching him strip himself of his clothes.

"Well come on old man, want to take a bath in your pajamas?"

I rolled my eyes and ridded myself of my clothes, climbing into the bath with Dan coming in after me. I wrapped my arms around his bare torso and pulled him to my chest as he made himself comfortable on top of me. The foam from the bath bomb swirled colorfully around us as the water settled. Dan reached over to his phone that sat nearby, turning on an ambient music playlist before settling back down against me.

"Ah. This was a great idea, Dan. Thanks for putting this together."

"Well maybe after this you'll finally fall asleep instead of practicing karate in bed."

"Hmmmmm..... Maybe?"

He swiveled his head around and glared at me before turning back around. I leaned down and pressed small, feather-light kisses to his left shoulder. I felt his head tilt back as I moved further up and onto his neck. I started nibbling on the sensitive skin there and smirked as Dan let out a sigh. I moved up even further and took his earlobe between my teeth, pulling at it just a bit before releasing it.

"Phil, I'm too tired to do anything. You might want to stop."

"Oops. Sorry, Dan." I said, giving him a kiss on the temple of his head before settling back down against the wall of the bathtub.

We sat and talked a bit until the water turned cold. Soon enough, Dan crawled out of the bath, leaving me to drain the tub. I stood up, reaching for the hand that was extended to me so I could get out of the tub. My feet touched the bath mat and I was enveloped with a fluffy towel. I watched Dan's face as he concentrated on drying me, his brows furrowed and eyes drooping due to sheer exhaustion. After he finished, I took the towel from him and dried him off, gently rubbing circles onto his back with the fluffy towel.

Wrapping it around his neck, I pulled him to me and kissed him on the lips, relishing the feeling of our lips molding together. He moved his hands up and into my hair, tugging on the strands on the nape of my neck that were slightly damp from where I sunk too low in the bath. I pulled back a bit and pressed a kiss to his nose, then leaned my forehead against his. His brown doe eyes met mine lovingly, though they were only half-open as he gazed at me.

"We need to get to bed. You look like you'll fall asleep any second," I whispered. He let out a breathy chuckle, his eyes crinkling in the corners a bit as he smiled. "Yea, but this was enjoyable." "We should take baths together more often." "Agreed."

And with one more chaste kiss between us, we got dressed, went to the bedroom, and embraced each other as we laid there. Within no time, Dan was softly snoring. I gazed at him as a trail of drool connected his mouth to the pillow, aw-ing a bit as he shifted to bury his head in my chest. I pressed a light kiss to the top of his head and slowly slipped into a sleep filled with dreams of bubble baths and hot boyfriends.

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