FNAF (Night 4)

174 10 1

Guess who's back.

Back again.

Dan is back.

Tell all the animatronics so they'll come and kill me.

So, I'm a pessimist. Sue me.

I'll skip over the part where I drove to the parking lot, watched the rain, etc. So now I entered the building and locked the door, as usual. Phil was there already, stood at the entrance of the hallway and looking into the blackness.

As I closed the door, Phil left his watchpoint and turned towards me, somehow wacking his head on the doorframe.

"Watch yourself. I don't want anything bad to happen."

He rubbed the side of his head and walked towards me, enveloping me in a brief hug before going to the right hallway. I closed my eyes and relished the lingering heat on my body. Taking my usual position at the desk, I occupied myself by checking all the rooms for a good hour or so before I heard some commotion down the hallway.

I whipped my head around, adrenalin coursing through me as I saw Phil get punched square in the jaw by Bonnie. I jumped up and ran towards them, hoping to somehow get Bonnie's eyes on me so I could distract him from beating up Phil. Unfortunately, I forgot I was a total coward and gulped when Bonnie shifted his cold gaze onto me. I knew the door to the right hall was open, so I made a run for it. I felt my heart beat a million times as I darted out of the room, Bonnie's metal feet smashing against the ground as he tried to catch up to me. Pushing against the wall as I turned, I kept a fair amount of distance between me and the bunny. That is, until I abruptly came to a halt when I was face-to-face with Chica.

My blood ran cold as I quickly glanced behind me and saw that Bonnie had the hallway blocked off; I was trapped. Chica opened her beak just enough so her two rows of teeth were showing, and I figured Bonnie was doing the same thing. I was hyperventilating at this point, so much so that I didn't notice Bonnie sailing over my head. I spun around to find Phil standing there, evidently having just thrown the bunny over me.

That was when I felt myself being picked up, Phil turning us around and running back to the room. I bounced violently on his shoulder, fearing for my life as Chica frantically chased us, teeth still bared. I was jerked forwards suddenly as Phil unceremoniously chucked me into the room, just in time before Chica got a firm hold on Phil's neck. I sat there in horror as she squeezed him, Phil trying frantically to wrench himself out of her grasp. I shakily got to my feet and ran over to the desk, grabbing the book sitting there and running over to where the two animatronics were.

Before I could warn Phil, I brought the book down hard on both Chica's hand and Phil's neck. I heard an alarmed "squawk" before I saw Chica let go of Phil's neck. I grabbed Phil by the shoulder and dragged him in, slamming the door down behind him. Quickly afterwards, I chucked the book somewhere in the room as I ran to the other door, closing it just as furiously.

I bent over, trying to regain my breath and normal heartrate. After a few seconds, I stood back up and turned around to where Phil was.

He had sat down with his back against the wall, eyes closed and hands grasping his neck. Evidently, something was wrong. I walked over, crouched down beside him, and tried to remove his hands, failing to do so as he flinched and shied away from me.

"Shh. It's ok. I'm trying to help you. I know it hurts."

Hesitantly, he removed his hands, letting me look at the torn and dislocated metal that hung limp from his neck by some wires. I furrowed my eyebrows as I began fiddling with the wires. Somehow, I managed to untangle them and fit them back into their places. I looked up at Phil, worried about how much pain he must've been in. However, I sucked in my breath quickly when I saw his bright blue eyes on my face. Odd, since all the animatronics, including him, had black eyes. He looked down at my hands, which were carefully cradling his neck. Noticably, his cheeks flared red as I gently pushed the piece of metal back into place, keeping my hands there to make sure it wouldn't fall off. He made eye contact with me again, his eyes turning upwards at the corners as we continued to sit there. I sat still as he shuffled towards me and turned so that we were facing each other.

I stared at him, transfixed in his newly blue gaze. The color wasn't like any paint I had ever seen before. More...not-paint-like? I can't describe it well. I guess the only word to describe it is...


It was a while before I stood up again. The metal, though damaged, was staying on his neck; I noted this as I pulled him up with my hands, not letting go once he was standing. I felt the warm, soft material of his hands as we stood there, still enraptured by each other's gaze. I felt my heart beating faster, but not from fear this time.

The bells chimed 6:00, causing me and Phil to back away from each other. I sadly went over and put on my coat as Phil sat at the desk, head bent downwards in a heart-wrenching way.

"Hey now," I said as I walked over to him. "Don't be sad. I'll be back here with you in 18 hours."

He looked up at me, eyes turned downwards at the corners. I gave him a lopsided smile before bending down and pressing a soft kiss to the corner of his painted mouth.

"I'll be back, Phil. I promise."

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