Chapter 4: Truth or Dare Part 3

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Henry's POV:

I stood there glaring around at everyone. Truth or Dare?! Who knows what could happen in that game?!

I caught Sabrina's eye. She averted her gaze and mumbled something unintelligible.

I raised a questioning eyebrow at Daphne, who promptly burst out laughing.

That worried me.

I shook my finger at everyone. "No more playing Truth or Dare!"

"What?!" Puck cried. "But we didn't even get to the good parts yet!"

"That's good. Very, very good," I responded.

Daphne frowned. "But Dad! Truth or Dare is really fun!"

I scowled. "I wonder what you mean by that!"

Puck also scowled. "Well, too bad, Mr. Party Pooper! We're playing Truth or Dare whatever you say!"

Veronica turned to me. "Oh for heavens' sake, Henry, it's just a game! Let the kids have their fun."

"JUST A GAME??" I exclaimed incredulously. "Do you have any idea what could happen in Truth or Dare?!"

"Oh, please! What could happen?"

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Seriously?"

My wife rolled her eyes. "Henry! Do you think Sabrina would allow that?!"

"Maybe..." I muttered.

I saw my daughter turn red.

"Henry, these kids are gonna play; you can't ruin everything all the time!"

"I don't ruin everything!" I shouted.

"Ahem," Daphne coughed. "We're right here, you know."

I scowled. "Fine. Do what you want," I growled.

"Actually, I think I'll play," Veronica said.


She nodded.

I felt so betrayed! My own wife was joining in on this game!! Who knows what could happen...

Obviously nothing to Veronica, but what about Sabrina?

My wife smiled at me. "Oh, come on, Henry! These children are smart; they know what Truths and Dares are right, and which are wrong."

I snorted. Yeah, right. Anyway, I don't think Veronica minds. She was actually quite enthusiastic when she thought Puck was Sabrina's boyfriend...

I shook my head. Enough thinking about this. I'll join in, and whenever I hear a truth or a dare that I don't like, I'll put an end to it.

Satisfied with my plan, I said, "I'll play."

Everyone stared at me in shock.

Veronica shook her head disbelievingly, Puck grinned happily, Sabrina glared at him and looked a little petrified, Daphne jumped up and down with happiness, Jake just simply smiled, and Red stood there looking joyful.

My younger daughter jumped up to me. "Yes!!" she cried. Then she went into a lecture about the rules of this particular Truth or Dare: "So, rule number one: once you say yes to playing, you're not allowed to stop. Rule number two: you have to agree to all the truths or dares. Rule number three: if you get a truth you have to answer truthfully, or I'll use something magic to see if you're lying or not. Rule number four: if you get a dare, you have to do the dare, know, I'm just gonna say that you won't enjoy the punishment. And, I know I already said this, but you have to agree to any truth or dare; that means it doesn't matter if it's yours, or someone else's. You have to agree, and you can't stop them."

The Sisters Grimm Truth or Dare: PuckabrinaWhere stories live. Discover now