Chapter 44

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Puck's POV:

I chose that ominous phrase to be my last of the moment and got up from the table. I knew that Briar and the old lady were looking at Sabrina and me weirdly, probably wondering what the heck we meant by 'the author.'

That was a secret we would never tell, though.

I decided to go look for Jake since he'd obviously run off somewhere. And he needed to know that this was his actual girlfriend and not some monster sent to terrorize him.

Yeah, I know. Me? Puck? The Trickster King of Faerie? Trying to comfort a man who thinks his girlfriend is lost forever?

Well, I guess times are changing.

If only I had my wings. I could find him so much faster. I shook my head. No. Don't think about that. It'll be fine. I know it.

I blinked away the tears that had formed in the corners of my eyes despite myself, and set off to find Jake.


I made my way down the block, heading to the Baker's shop. The place was now open twenty-four hours, and I knew Jake loved it. I glanced up at the sky, which was speckled with stars, a half moon peeking out from the clouds floating across the dark blue dome above.

I sighed and trudged toward the shop's door, still not used to walking such long distances. Everything was so much easier with wings! Not to mention it hurt terribly without them.

I frowned to myself and opened the door, the bell ringing as I stepped in. This place kind of reminded me of a diner I'd seen in a TV show. Sabrina always gets me to watch whatever TV shows she watches because she needs someone to fangirl to.

I spotted Jake quickly, sitting in the corner of the shop, in one of the floofy armchairs near the small fireplace. They were extremely soft and—as I said—floofy.


I walked over to him, waving at the Baker on my way. He was at the counter and was glancing suspiciously at me. His home is connected to the shop, so it's easy for him to come and go. I ignored his slight glare as I passed by—I'd caused enough chaos here to last a lifetime—and sat down next to Jake.

"Took you long enough to find me," he muttered.

"I walked," I said simply.

He frowned. "Why?"

I managed a smile. "Fair question. But I'm here about you."

He sighed and nodded, glancing down at his hands and twisting his fingers with nervous energy.

"It's really her," I told him.

He shook his head. "It can't be. It just...she can't..." His voice cracked. "It's not possible."

I shrugged. "Apparently it is. I don't know why or how, but it is. And she wants to talk to you."

He frowned, still playing with his fingers. "But..."

I glanced over at the Baker, who was busy making some coffee.

"Trust me." I met Jake's eyes. "It's real. She's real. You have her back."

Jake laughed shortly. "You're surprisingly good at this comforting thing."

I frowned at him. "You're not allowed to tell anyone that. It'll ruin whatever I had left of my reputation."

"You and your reputation." He chuckled. "That's long gone."

I sighed. "Yeah, I know. You can't blame me for trying."

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