Chapter 20

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Sabrina's POV:

"Well that makes it official," I grumbled. I turned away from the door and to Daphne, who had walked up behind us. "I need to talk to you."

She looked a bit nervous, but she followed me up to my room.

"So," I said, closing the door. "What's up with the alicorn?"

Daphne fidgeted. "Okay, fine. I'll tell you. But you can't tell anyone else."

"Got it."

"Okay, so I took the Orb and went through one of the tunnels in Puck's room, which led to an private island resort and I met this guy there named Dan and I told him about the Orb and then he said that he might know how to make it work and he explained this whole thing about magnetism and we waited until a storm and then all this stuff happened with the Orb, but then it was gone and there was a bright light and instead there was this." Daphne took a deep breath and pointed to the necklace.

"So...a necklace appeared?"


"Then what?"

"Uh, well, I'm gonna sound like a little girl."

"You are a little girl," I pointed out.

She scowled at me, but at the thought of whatever the Orb had turned into, she started grinning happily. " turned into an alicorn." Her grin got wider and wider.

"No way."

"And she can turn into this necklace."

I raised my eyebrows.

"I'm serious! I just haven't figured out what she does, exactly." Daphne frowned. "And I don't see how she's the answer to all our problems."

"She can fly," I reminded her. "And she has magic."

Daphne nodded. "True," she mused. "Do you want me to show her to you?"

"Uh, sure." I still found this hard to believe, but oh well. Now Daphne could prove that the alicorn was real or not.

"But...maybe we should go outside. Celeste is pretty big."

"First of all, you already gave her a name? And second of all, no way! It's way too dangerous outside! We just got a freaking letter from the Scarlet Hand!"

"Celeste will protect us," Daphne said matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, right." But I followed Daphne down the stairs and out of the house anyway. The rest of our family freaked out, but Daphne told them she had the Orb and that it would protect us.

Dad looked particularly skeptical, but he let us go.

We stood outside, me glancing around nervously. Daphne slipped the alicorn necklace over her head and laid it on the ground. She then murmured some words that were incoherent to me, and stepped back.

"...Well?" I asked after a few minutes passed.

She raised a finger. "Give it a minute. Celeste likes sleeping, and that's why Al and I had so much trouble getting her out of the Orb."

"Ah," I said, like this was perfectly sensible.

We waited a couple more minutes. I was opening my mouth to say we should go back inside when a shining light emanated from the necklace.

"See?" Daphne said triumphantly.

I rolled my eyes but watched intently as the light got brighter and brighter.

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