Chapter 32

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Red's POV:

"Really?" I asked. "So we can go home?"

"Yes, most likely. I'm feeling rested and this spell looks very promising," Analia said. "But... make sure to look for Alice, okay?"

Daphne nodded. "Yeah. We will."

Analia took a deep breath and flipped to a marked page in the book. Strange words came out of her mouth; they sounded familiar yet foreign, confusing yet sensible. They seemed to flow into the room and all of us were slowly wrapped in violet light.

Analia's face paled and she stumbled, but Dee came up behind her and held her up.

I saw him give her a reassuring smile, and then before I knew it, we were standing in Puck's room.

There was silence.

"The spell probably searched for the nearest large source of magic near our destination and brought us—" Pinocchio was shushed by Daphne putting a finger on his lips.

"No talking," she said.

So we stood there.

"Uh, what exactly are we doing?" I asked after a couple of moments, slightly confused.

Daphne shrugged. "I don't know. They usually do this in movies."

I sighed.

Elvis whined. I glanced back at him and it looked like he was still sad about the sausage.

How can he love sausage that much?

"We need a plan," Sabrina said, letting out a breath she'd been holding in.

"What? Why?" Pinocchio asked. "We are already here, we can just walk out the door."

She raised an eyebrow. "And how will we explain you, Ember, and Puck? You disappeared, no one knows who Ember is, and then we have the Puck Problem."

"The what?" Puck asked.

She glared at him.

He glared back.

It kind of looked like they were having a silent argument. But that was impossible, obviously.

Daphne cleared her throat, but she was grinning. "Okay. True. We can just say that Pin—"

"That is not my name!"

"—that Pin showed up when we were in the park, and said that he was glad he found us because he was running from a monster or something."

"But I would not be glad to see you," he complained.

She shot him a dangerous look, then turned back to Sabrina. "He could have brought Ember with him and say that they were being hunted by the same monster. As for Puck... uh, I have no idea."

Pinocchio coughed. "We could mention Celeste."

"Oh yeah... that was the plan anyway," Daphne mused, then quickly added, "Not that I'm agreeing with you, or anything."

He hid a smile. "Sure."

Daphne looked to me in confusion, but Sabrina and I were whispering excitedly together about a shipping club that we were going to form.

"Bella should be in it," I said.

Sabrina shook her head. "Just me and you. Because if this is a shipping club, then we're going to talk about Tella."


"Toby and Bella. It's either that ship name or Belly. I'd say Tella is better."

I nodded seriously. "Definitely."

"Let's see if they're in the house before we announce that we're here," Ember said. "I'll shapeshift and check."

"No, I wi—" Puck paused. "Nevermind. You can go."

I glanced at him suspiciously, as did Daphne.

"You're turning down a chance to spy on someone?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

He shrugged, but I could tell something was bothering him. "I... don't feel like it."

"Yeah, you keep saying that whenever the use of your magic powers or whatever comes up," Daphne pointed out.


Daphne gave him the evil eye. "Don't you 'so?' me, Puck! You just got back from the Scarlet Hand's base and I know there's something wrong so don't lie to me! If there's nothing wrong then why are you acting like this? Don't you know that I can tell—"

"Enough!" Sabrina exclaimed, stepping in between the two. "Just shut up! Daphne, like you said, Puck just came back from the Scarlet Hand's main base and he deserves some peace, but he's not allowed to act annoying." She glared at both of them.

"Can we focus?" Ember asked. "I'm going."

I don't even know how it happened. One moment she was there and the next she was a fly. No spinning on her heel or anything. It happened faster than I could see.

"Thank god time in Wonderland runs differently," Sabrina muttered and I nodded. "Otherwise we'd be in huge trouble."

"I wonder what their reactions will be when they see Celeste," I said.

"They'll probably faint," Daphne told me matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, probably."

"Just as I thought," Ember said, appearing in front of us. I hadn't even heard the buzz of her fly wings. "They're here and I think your parents are getting worried." She pointed at Daphne and Sabrina.

"That's never good...," they muttered at the same time.

"Let's go, then," Pinocchio said. "What are we waiting for?"

I shrugged and opened Puck's room door, gesturing for everyone to walk through.

We all walked down the hall and Sabrina called, "Hey, Mom, Dad, Uncle Jake! We're back."

"Did Bella and Toby come over with you?" Henry asked.

I love how he assumes right away that Toby's here since Bella's here.

"No," Daphne said as we walked down the stairs.

None of the adults had looked up from the books they'd been poring over yet.

"But it sounds like there are a couple more people with y..." Veronica trailed off as she looked up and saw all of us.

"Uh, how's life going?" Puck asked, grinning.

This is a shorter chapter and kiiiiinda a filler but *shrugs* what can I say?

On another note, I hate school so much.
Whoever invented school has it coming for him. Or her.

But yeah.

And then there's homework. I don't understand. If school and home are supposed to be kept apart, then why do we have homework?


What's your least favorite subject? Mine's math.

I really hate math.



*laughs in a corner and starts burning homework while surrounded by a circle of salt*


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