Chapter 40

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Daphne's POV:

Ember was a giant eagle, and she was holding me in her talons (thankfully not impaling me) as we soared through the air in the direction of the Scarlet Hand's fortress.

Thankfully I remembered the general path to it, and I'd maaaayyyybbbbeeeee stolen some of the magic dust that made it visible...

It was actually pretty easy, all I had to do was wait until Snow brought her purse with her when she came over to discuss plans, and then I simply took some of the dust in a small bag (she had several bags of it now) when she wasn't watching.

Obviously I needed to be prepared, and now I got the perfect chance to use the dust.


Ember landed where I hoped was the fortress because if not the author would probably get mad at me for giving the wrong directions, and then she'd have to make up a whole other scenario.

Stop breaking the fourth wall!

Shut up, brain. You don't know anything.

I'm the reason you know anything!

Okay, so maybe that was a bad insult, but still. You can't tell me what to do.

I kinda can.

No you can't.

Yes I can.

No you—

"Daphne?" Ember waved a hand in front of my face. She'd morphed back to normal form. "Hello? Anyone home?"

"Huh?" I blinked. "Oh. Right. Sorry, just having an argument."

"With who?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

"My brain," I said matter-of-factly.

Hahahaha that made you sound insane.

Shut up already!

"What even—" Ember sighed. "I'm not going ask. Anyway...are you sure you want to do this?"

I nodded. "Yes. If it means I can get Red back, then yes." My heart was beating rapidly in my chest though and I was sure she could hear it.

"...Okay. I'm still not sure if this is the best idea..."

"We're going," I stated firmly, willing my voice not to shake.

Red's POV:

The Wolf was trying to get to something, but I kept it locked up. No way was he going to find out that Ember was our spy.

I shoved his will away from my thoughts, once again curling up and wrapping my arms around myself.

Daphne's POV:

Ember pulled me to her and marched up to the gates that now shimmered into existence. "Ember here. Let me in, I've got a new one to add to the cause."

The guards at the top of the watchtowers shrugged at each other and the wooden gates started swinging open.

Ember's grip on my wrist was tight and I struggled to keep up with her. I looked around as we walked to the far end of the fortress. There was no one here; save for the two guards at the watchtowers. So everyone was underground.

I grinned a little to myself, even if this situation did freak me out a little. And by a little I mean a lot.

Haha scaredy cat!

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