Chapter 42

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Ahhhhhh!!!!!! It's been so long since I updated!!!!!!! I'm so sorry!!!!! It's literally been over a month I'm so so so so sorry!!!!!' ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 22K READS!!!!! My father will hear about this (heheheh references. Do you get it?)!



Uncle Jake's POV:

I immediately reached into one of my many pockets and whipped out a wand, pointing it at her. "Who are you?!"

The sight of her face was almost too painful, but I knew this wasn't actually her. There was no way it could be.

She frowned. "Jake, I don't know what you're going on about. I must've fallen asleep when the war was over, somehow. I woke up forty five minutes earlier, and I was in front of our fort. I figured that since we'd won, you'd probably be in your house."

The wand shook in my hand. "Right. As if I'm going to believe that. You're a shapeshifter. A rogue fairy, maybe?" I glared.

Her bright green eyes shimmered uncertainly and she tugged at her hair like she always did when she was nervous. "Jake, I don't know what you're talking abou—"

"Don't lie to me!" I exclaimed, my hand shaking even more.

Mom, Henry, and Veronica came up behind me. Henry and Veronica led me away quietly while Mom said, "I'll take care of this. I know a few truth serums." (Veritaserum, anyone?)

My brother and his wife sat me down on the couch in the living room, pushing aside a few books to make space.

"Are you okay?" Veronica asked quietly.

"It's not her," I insisted. "It can't be."

Veronica cast Henry a worried look that I most definitely noticed.

"Jake, we don't know—"

"There's no way that's her!" I exclaimed angrily, standing up. "She died! She died and I saw it happen!" Tears pricked my eyes and I pushed past the two of them.

I made my way out the door without even glancing at the shapeshifter; it was too painful.

I knew Mom was watching me with a saddened expression as I stormed off into the night.

Sabrina's POV:

I hurriedly rummaged through the drawers of my desk, searching for the mirror. I finally found it and held it up triumphantly, then said, "Show me Daphne."

The mirror misted over and then cleared, and I saw Daphne sitting in a bed in a plain room. She was looking at her necklace in confusion, as if something had happened that she didn't understand.

I wondered what it was about, but I was mostly just glad that she was...well, safe wasn't really the best word for it.

I sighed and muttered to myself, "She'll be okay. I know it."

I thought back to the simpler times—well, they hadn't seemed simple then, but still. When we would play Truth or Dare every Friday.

I sighed again. If only we could do that now.

I set the mirror down just as Puck skidded into my room, and slid under my bed where he stayed.

I raised an eyebrow, even though I knew he couldn't see me. "What?"

"Your dad," he said, his voice slightly muffled from being under the bed.

I mentally facepalmed. Of course I'd had to kiss Puck right in front of Dad. Great going, Sabrina.

I cringed. "Oh. Sorry."

There was a sudden commotion from downstairs and I could hear Uncle Jake shouting something.

I decided it would be safer to stay up here for a while, so I dragged Puck out from under my bed and then dragged him to Pin's room, wanting to check on how he was doing (Pinaphne for life!).

We found him lying on his back on his bed, holding a book above his face so he could read it. I'd always found that position way too uncomfortable for my arms.

"Hey," I said, startling him so much he dropped the book and it landed on his face.

He took the book away and turned around, his face red with embarrassment. "Oh, hi," he said, trying to sound casual. "How is—how's life?"

I rolled my eyes and Puck snorted. "How are you holding up with the whole Daphne being gone thing?"

"I'm good. Why would I not be? I am perfectly fine."

Puck coughed something that sounded suspiciously like "lies."

I cast him a sideways grin then turned my attention back to Pin. "Okay, sure. Are you sure?"

He furrowed his brow. "That sentence sounded weird. I don't think the author is proud of it. Also, I know this is completely off topic, but have you read Harry Potter? I just discovered it and it is an amazing book series."

I arched an eyebrow. "Uhh... you've been alive so long but only just now heard of Harry Potter? That's a bit weird but... yeah, it's super good!"

He and I sat there fanboying/fangirling for a couple minutes while Puck cleared his throat and said, "I don't do books."

"Books are amazing!" Pin exclaimed, giving Puck an incredulous look.

"Yeah," I agreed, glaring daggers at him. "They are."

He raised his hands in submission. "Okay. Okay."


Fangirling forgotten, I showed Pin the mirror—Puck had taken it off my desk before we made our way to Pin's room.

I said the words and Daphne appeared, still in the same room that she was in before, but now she was talking to Ember. They were playing something... was that Apples to Apples?

"Huh," I said, "I never knew that evil organizations had card games. Maybe they play them in their free time when they're not trying to destroy the world."

Puck giggled, which I hadn't heard a lot of and thought was absolutely adorable. But of course I didn't say that.

Instead I just smiled at him.

"What's Apples to Apples?" Pin asked, glancing at me with a confused expression. "I have never heard of it."

Puck and I both gasped loudly in mock shock. Well, only half mock because it was pretty surprising.

So the next hour was spent by Puck and me explaining Apples to Apples to Pin. He kept forgetting that he had to actually pick a card out of his stack and place it where the two of us had put ours. Then he arguing about "How can Michael Jackson be spicy? It does not make sense."

"But it's funny!" Puck exclaimed. He was the judge and he held up his next green card. "Like, look at this one. Wiggly. So what's one of your cards? Let's see... Trees. Perfect!"

"But... trees are not wiggly," Pin pointed out.

Puck sighed in exasperation and threw his hands over his face as he fell backward in a mock faint, while I said once again, "It's funny."


And that's how it went on.

Eventually the door opened and Granny Relda stepped into the room. She looked like she might join in and play cards with us but she stopped herself.

"Lieblings, I have...surprising news."

We all froze. "What?"

She took a deep breath. "Briar Rose, she's..."

"She's what?" I asked, already feeling panic rising in my throat.

"She's back."

Those two simple words sent us reeling. Even Pin, who hadn't known her.

But there was one main question:


Granny Relda sighed. "That's what we're trying to figure out."

The Sisters Grimm Truth or Dare: PuckabrinaWhere stories live. Discover now