Chapter 8

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I'm so sorry it took me soooooo long to update! Will you guys forgive me?!?! And...thank you sooo much for 616 reads!! I'm so happy!!!!

Anyway, I just finished the Books of Beginning series, and I'm somewhat depressed, so... For any of those people who haven't read the series, READ IT!!!

Aaaaaanyway, here's the next chappie.


Sabrina's POV:

Please, let this be a joke! I thought desperately. Please!!

Uncle Jake looked up as we walked into the kitchen. "Well, Sabrina, have fun at school," he said, and I groaned.

We got into the ancient car, me scowling the whole way. At the entrance to William Charming Elementary, Snow met us.

Daphne made a sad face and said, "Ms. White! I'm not in your class anymore!"

Snow White smiled at her. "It's okay, Daphne; you'll still see me around."

Daphne pouted. "Yeah, but I'm not gonna be in your class anymore!!"

I rolled my eyes. "Come on! Let's just go!"

Daphne looked at me, then turned to Ms. White. "Sabrina's in a bad mood today," she stated.

I growled. "Ya think?!"

Daphne just smiled more. "She and Puck have all the same classes."

I just sighed miserably.

Daphne smiled happily.

Puck...looked at his feet.

Red's POV:

I don't have to go to school, because I've told everyone I'm too scared. But...the truth is...I'm afraid that Daphne will make more friends and she won't like me anymore at school. Okay, I guess that's like being scared, but still!

Anyway, I watched Daphne, Puck, and Sabrina stand there talking. Well, technically Daphne was talking and Puck and Sabrina were just looking miserable. That is so unlike Puck!

Then I noticed that Puck and Sabrina were still handcuffed together. I smothered a giggle. This'll be an interesting day!

Puck's POV:

I sighed as we walked into the school. Not only did I have to go to this horrible place, I was also handcuffed to Sabrina!

As we walked into the school, Sabrina glanced at our handcuffed hands, and the look on her face made me realize that she had forgotten about them.



Eighth grade was the worst! Thankfully, we still had that one teacher that loved dodgeball. That was awesome. I didn't win, though, which was a fact I couldn't comprehend. This handcuff thing was a little out of control. I had to get these off!!

After P.E., we had lunch, and I was still handcuffed to Sabrina. It was TORTURE!! Ugh. Sabrina obviously felt the same, 'cause she was grumbling to herself and glaring at me.

People had been looking at us oddly and it was REALLY starting to annoy me. Like, seriously!!


As we sat down at our table, I thanked the heavens that I wasn't a lefty, since my left hand was handcuffed to Sabrina. It was harder for her, though. She was a righty, too. Part of me laughed at that. Sabrina had to eat with her left hand.

Daphne skipped over from her table and plopped down next to us. "'s it going?" she asked, to my annoyance.

"Does it look good?" Sabrina demanded, raising her right hand, which made my hand go up too.

Daphne stifled a giggle and looked to me expectantly, waiting for an answer.

I scowled. "It's the worst! I lost the dodgeball game!"

"Is that the only reason you don't like it?"

My defenses went up. "No! I just hate being handcuffed to Grimm!"

Daphne shrugged, seeming disappointed. "Okay, well see ya guys later!" And she skipped back to her class.

Sabrina's POV:

I sighed loudly. Being chained to Puck in school was worse than it was at home. I heard someone clear their throat beside me, and I glanced at them. I almost tipped back in my chair. It was Bella.

I scooted away from her.

She grinned. "Don't worry; I'm a changed person. Or should I say monster? Toby's changed too."

I relaxed a little, but kept my guard up. "Didn't the Everafters get separate classes?"

Bella rolled her eyes. "We're still in some classes with normal people! And we obviously share the same lunch."


"And aren't you technically an Everafter?"

I nodded. "I mean, I guess,'s different from all the others."

"By the way, why are you handcuffed to that fairy boy?"

I knew that question would come. "What's it to you?" I asked.

She hid a grin. "Well..."

I shifted, not liking what she was probably implying. "Fine. Puck handcuffed himself to me. Happy?"

Puck turned his attention to us. "It's the worst!" he whined. "I didn't win the dodgeball game!"

Bella raised an eyebrow. "Then why did you chain yourself to her?"

"She didn't want the security team to come back," he grumbled.

I rolled my eyes. "His 'security team' in question, is a stupid assortment of weird creatures and leprechauns and the like."

Bella looked at Puck questioningly.

He shrugged. "Well...the Grimms need protection. It's not my fault they're all a big buncha babies."

"We are not!" I exclaimed.

Bella put her hands up. "Stop stop stop. I don't want you two to start arguing. That would be bad. I just wanna know why you're in such an bad mood."

I scowled. "We're playing Truth or Dare."

Bella giggled. "Ooh!! Can I come?"

"Sure!" Puck exclaimed before I could answer. "The more, the merrier!"

Bella grinned. "Well, see ya later, then."

I shook my head. This was getting worse and worse.

Sorry the chapter's so short. I'm just not in a big writing mood, and I've had a LOT of homework.

HOMEWORK: Half Of My Energy Wasted On Random Knowledge

MATH: Mental Abuse To Humans

SCHOOL: Seven Crappy Hours Of Our Lives


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