Chapter 38

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*clears throat*
Ladies and gentlemen (heheheh Hamilton reference), I have an announcement.
I am deeply sorry for the unfortunate circumstances under which I could not proceed to update this fanfiction. I have been away, and I am, as I already said, very sorry. I hold in my heart hope that you may forgive me and that you enjoy this chapter, which will be longer than the others.

*laughs* That was pretty good wasn't it??

*sings* formalnesssssssss...


I'm happy to report that I'm on Season 12 of Supernatural (btw I always knew that Chuck was God, he's pretty coolio. I love his cat blog) and I'm kinda having a midlife (early life) crisis because idk what I'm going to do when I finish it (which to be honest will be in like two days) because Season 13 is still on TV and not on Netflix (Newt: Don't you mean Newtflix?).

And I started recording Season 13 when they were playing Episode 12 of it, so how aM I SUPPOSED TO WATCH EPISODES 1-11?! IT'S SO STRESSFUL GUYS.

I just realized that if any of you are planning to watch SPN, I just spoiled Chuck for you. WHOOPS.


Sorry 'bout that.

But honestly I don't care.

I'm such a nice person, aren't I?

So yeah, Washington, DC was awesome and I hope I can go back there someday. ThErE wAs A sTaTuE oF aLeXaNdEr HaMiLtOn when we were touring the Capitol, and the tour guide was like "and this is a statue of Alexander Hamilton. Some of you are probably more excited than others to see him" and all my friends just looked at me and I was like rEaLlY hApPy.

Wow. This is a long Author's Note.
If you guys are still reading this, I'm proud of you.

*hands out cookies and ice cream and pie so you can join the dark side*


Daphne's POV:

I nearly cried in relief when the grown-ups came back. Pin had been so annoying I had duct-taped him to a chair, with duct tape over his mouth.

I probably should've let him go before Mom and Dad came back...

"Daphne Grimm!" Mom exclaimed five seconds after she walked through the door.

I gave her a sheepish smile. "He was being annoying."

Dad pinched the bridge of his nose. "Daphne, let him go."

I frowned. "Do I have to?"


I scowled but set to unwrapping Pin from all the duct tape.


We all sat around the dining room table, me tapping my fingers and feet to a song I'd forgotten the name of.

"Can you stop that?" Pin asked finally, although he was keeping a safe distance away from me.

"I don't know, can I?"

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