Chapter 46

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Sabrina's POV:

"So, I guess we've got to find some magical tracking items. Or Google Maps," I said, looking at the address on the weathered postcard.

Puck blinked the sleep out of his eyes. "Ugh, do we have to do this now? I was having an amazing dream about ice cream..."

I rolled my eyes. "I'll go get my phone."

Pin and Puck waited for me while I got it and searched for '736 West Enoivel Road, New York.'

I glared as the small circle spun around and around, signifying that the result was loading. When something finally popped up, I growled angrily.

No results.

"That does not—doesn't—make sense," Pin said, frowning.

I shrugged helplessly. "Maybe it's a cover-up for the real name?"

"Well how are we supposed to figure out the real name?!" Puck exclaimed in annoyance. "You know what, I'm too old for this. My physical and mental well-being is obligatory."

I gave him a 'seriously?' look and shook my head. "I don't know. How does that even work? Is the address we got the real address, and we have to find the one that covers up for it?"

Pin nodded. "Yes. I mean, yeah."

"And how are we supposed to do that?" Puck groaned and dragged a hand down his face. "This is wonderful. I just love this!"

I hit him lightly on the shoulder and turned back to Pin. "But actually, how?"

He shrugged. "I dunno. Try... Um, maybe we reverse the address?"

"New York, Road Enoivel West 736?" Puck frowned.

I copied Pin and shrugged, then typed the address in on my phone. "Nope. Maybe keep the New York at the end?"

Pin nodded. "And actually reverse the number and the name. So, 637 West Levione Road, New York."

I typed it in again. "Nope."

"How about—"

Puck cut Pin off, exclaiming, "What about reversing 'road' too? Because that would be 'doar,' and that sounds like 'door.' So maybe..."

I gasped. "You're right! West Levione Door! I've heard of that before! It's some kind of old monument. Well it's a door, but it's made of many unrecognizable materials and no one has been able to open it. Maybe 637—or 736—is some kind of password?"

Puck and Pin both grinned and the three of us high-fived each other. I searched up where in New York was the West Levione Door, and then turned to them.

"One more thing. We'll need magic. Because there's no way in heaven or hell that Mom, Dad, Uncle Jake, Mr. Canis, or Granny are going to let us go willingly."

Puck grinned. "Good that I'm an excellent thief, then."

We high-fived again and I said, "We go at night. Puck, make sure you find something that'll let us get to New York, and also get past Mr. Canis. He might not be the Big Bad Wolf anymore, but he'll still know if we're sneaking out."

Puck nodded seriously, then after a minute burst out laughing.

I frowned. "What?"

"We had another one of those moments," he said, grinning. "We kind of all just stood there, smoldering."

"Smoldering?" Pin questioned.

"It's a movie reference," Puck dismissed, waving his hand. "Well, I'm off." He turned and ran up the stairs two at a time, most likely heading for Uncle Jake's room, since he was out on a date with Briar.

The Sisters Grimm Truth or Dare: PuckabrinaWhere stories live. Discover now