Chapter 21

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Sabrina's POV:

Before you ask, yes, we were in HUGE trouble. Dad shouted at us for forty-five minutes, and counting.


Forty-six minutes.

"We know," Daphne groaned. "You already said so five million times! Well, we're sorry, and we're not captured! So it's all good!"

"It's not 'all good'!"

Elves whined. I guess he thought he was in trouble too. Or maybe he was just begging for sausage.

Forty-seven minutes.

"Dad," I said, "can we go now? We need to sleep."

He scowled at me. "All of you are grounded!"

"Including me?" Red asked quietly.

Dad looked momentarily confused, since Red wasn't his daughter and he didn't know if he could ground her.

"Yes," he said finally, looking proud of himself.

She frowned.

Forty-eight minutes.

"But that's not fair!" Daphne complained. "There's so much stuff to do! And we can't just sit here at home!"

Granny walked up and put a hand on Dad's shoulder. "Henry," she said softly. "The children have to go to sleep. It's almost midnight. We can deal with this tomorrow."

Dad grumbled something unintelligible and stalked away.

Granny smiled a little at us. "Where were you, anyway?" she asked.

Daphne met my eyes, and I knew what she was thinking. Puck would kill us if everyone found out about his secret tunnels.

"Um, uh..." Daphne mumbled. "I'mtiredgoodnightseeyoutomorrow!"

And she dashed up the stairs.

"Me too," I said quickly and ran after her, Red right behind me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Granny glance at Dad in confusion. He shrugged.

Daphne dragged Red into their room, and I headed into mine, planning on re-binge-watching one of my favorite TV shows, Stranger Things.

I know, I know, it was almost 12:00 AM, and I'd just watched a bunch of movies. But who cares? The great thing about Puck and Daphne's (and now Sabrina's) Theater was that it played ALL movies, even the ones that weren't in theaters anymore.

So after watching IT, me, Red, and Daphne watched a bunch of other movies, not to mention re-watching IT a couple more times. It was an amazing movie, though I was still mad at Daphne for watching a Rated R movie... Red was scared most of the time and she had hugged Elvis while the dog just barked at the screen.

But yeah. We got carried away.

Anyway, a little while ago I had convinced Daphne to use some kind of magic item to create a TV in my room, except it was invisible to any adults. They also couldn't hear any sound. It was a really cool TV, let me tell you that. It also had whatever I wanted on it, like Netflix, YouTube, etc.

I went on Netflix and started playing the first episode, which turned into the second episode, which turned into the third episode—

There was a knock on my window.

I groaned; I had just gotten to the part where Will started trying to communicate with Joyce through the lights, and I didn't even realized that it was kind of odd that someone had knocked on my window.

"Whaaaaaat?" I mumbled, getting up out of bed and walking over to the window.

The nails Tobias had hammered into the window frame were long gone, and I pushed open the window, sticking my head out.

It didn't even occur to me that that might have been a dangerous thing to do.

"Can't you see that I'm TRYING to watch my TV show here..." I trailed off, taking in the sight.

"Oh god. What is this?"

I was looking straight down to the ground, and what I saw almost made my eyes pop out of my head.

A giant hole in the ground was sitting right there. I had no idea where the hole had come from, or the knock on my window. But I knew one thing for sure: there was a humongous hole next to my house, and I had no idea how it had gotten there.

Daphne's POV:

There was a knock on my window. I scowled; I had just been watching an interesting part in one of my favorite TV shows.

Yeah, I know, it's like 2:00 AM right now, but who cares? I certainly don't.

I got up out of bed and stepped over to the window. Red had woken up because of the knocking. She'd been asleep, hugging Elvis in a death grip, probably dreaming about Pennywise.

I didn't know why, but that movie hadn't scared me at all. It had just made me laugh and sometimes jump at the jump scares, but that didn't mean that I was scared. I guess it's just because I've seen a LOT of scary stuff.

Anyway, I opened the window and peered out. Who had knocked? Then I realized that it was a bit weird that someone or something had knocked on my window. I quickly whipped my head back into the room, but not before I saw the huge hole that had opened up next to my house.

3rd Person POV:

The next morning

"Daphne? Sabrina? Red?" Henry called.

"Time for breakfast!" Jake said. He grinned at the rest of the family. "Daphne will be down before you can say 'The Scarlet Hand.'"

But she wasn't.

Neither was Sabrina or Red. Elvis was normally already trying to steal food from the table, but he was also nowhere in sight.

The adults waited a couple minutes, but there was no answer.

"I'll go wake them up," Veronica finally decided. "They were obviously doing something when we were searching for them, so they're probably all just tired."

Relda nodded, but she had a worried look on her face.

Veronica climbed up the stairs to the second floor and knocked on Sabrina's door, then opened it.

There was no one in the bed, and it wasn't made. Veronica looked around. The fluttering curtains of the window caught her eye as a cold breeze wafted over her.

So, this was probably a surprise update, since you guys are used to me updating VERY irregularly, and taking a VERY long time, which I'm REALLY sorry for.

I've decided that I won't always make such long chapters. It's just a lot easier, and it'll let me update more often.

This chapter wasn't that long, but I don't think it was TOO short. I promise I'll be updating more often now.



But yeah. Sorry, that's from Stranger Things. SEASON 2 IS COMING OUT OCTOBER 27 AND I CAN'T WAIT!!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

:) Cliffhanger. Ah, how I love those cliffhangers...

Also, if you've read this far into my author's note, thank you! Most people don't bother, but that's okay.

One more thing: if you've watched IT or Stranger Things, then comment to let me know if you have! I need to find my people :)


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