Chapter 11

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Third Person POV:

"Daph, you find Baba Yaga and Bunny. Maybe all three of you can make something that will let us keep all the magic items we have with ease."


Sabrina listened from her room as Jake and Daphne talked. Henry and Veronica were also gone, searching for Everafters that would help. Granny Relda and Mr. Canis had went as well.

The only people left in the house were Daphne, Jake, Red, Elvis, and Puck and Sabrina. Red was terrified and was sitting in her room, not answering anyone, and Jake, Daphne, and Elvis were about to go too.

Everyone was technically out of the house except Puck and Sabrina. They were in Sabrina's room, where she was curled up on her bed and sobbing. She was taking it much worse than Daphne, who was nine.

Puck just sat in the chair and watched her, not knowing what to do.

Sabrina's POV:

I couldn't believe they were back! It just wasn't fair! We had defeated them, and they were back?!

I thought their goal was to only break the barrier down! Then they would leave us alone!!

I could tell that Puck was wondering what to do, but I didn't care. I was going to stay curled up on my bed, crying and hoping that this was all a bad dream.

"Umm... Sabrina?" Puck asked me.

I ignored him. Who cares? The Scarlet Hand were back! And this time we didn't have some secret magic-hidden fortress in the woods! And there were barely any Everafters left in Ferryport Landing!

"Umm..." Puck started again, but then trailed off. After a moment he said, "Shouldn't we help find others?"

I looked at him. "Since when do you care about this kind of stuff?"

Puck looked genuinely hurt.

I rolled my eyes and buried my face into my pillow. "No."

"Why not?"

"Because we defeated the Scarlet Hand! They can't be back!" I cried. "It's just not fair!"

And to think that a day ago I was only worrying about Truth or Dare.

Suddenly, Puck's pixies flew into the room. They glowed and twittered and glowed some more. Puck nodded. "They said that Daphne needs help with Baba Yaga. She got Bunny, but the old crone is being really annoying."

I groaned. "Fine. Let's go help them. But after that I'm going right back to my comfy spot on this bed."

Daphne's POV:


"No, of course not! I'll not go!" the old witch responded. "I'll miss my TV show."

I scowled. "You won't have your TV show if the Scarlet Hand destroy everything in Ferryport Landing!"

Baba Yaga shrugged. "Eh," she muttered.

I tried one more thing. "But aren't you in the coven with me and Bunny?"

"So what?" she snapped. "That doesn't mean I have to bow to your every need!"

I clenched my fists and hoped that Puck and Sabrina would be here soon. "You're not bowing to my every need! We just don't want the Scarlet Hand to destroy this place!"

She shook her head and went back to watching one of her stupid TV shows. "This is a hoax; why would they come back, anyway? They got what they wanted; they're free."

My shoulders drooped. "I don't know. We just know that they're here."

Bunny said, "Baba Yaga, if you don't help, I swear I'll kill you."

The witch cackled. After a long fit of really weird laughs, she took a deep breath and said, "You can't kill me!" Then she started laughing again.

I crossed my arms. "Please?"





Bunny patted my shoulder. "Well," she said to Baba Yaga, "I guess we'll just have to get a better witch."

I realized what she was doing and added, "A witch that's far more powerful than then Baba Yaga and her stupid magic."

Baba Yaga slowly turned around. "What did you say?" she hissed.

"I said that we'll just go find a better witch, one that's so much more powerful and doesn't have stupid magic."

"STUPID MAGIC?!?!?!" the crone roared.

Bunny and I nodded, thankfully managing to keep straight faces. "Yep."

Baba Yaga snarled at us. "Fine. I'll help you and the rest of the Grimms. But know that I'll have my revenge!"

With that, we were thrown out of her chicken-legged house and onto the pathway of skulls. And the house walked away.

I grimaced. "That is one weird house."

Bunny agreed, nodding.

Just then, Puck and Sabrina floated down from the sky. "Let's go get her!" Puck shouted, then noticed us. "Wait, what?"

I shrugged. "She already joined us."

"But I thought you said—"

"Yeah, well that was before." I smiled. "Now what to do?" I answered my own question. "Now Baba Yaga, Bunny, and I will make some magical thingy that holds other magical thingies with ease!"

I heard the old crone mutter something that went like, "So first they force me to join them, then they want me to make something for them?"

Wait. I thought her house left? Oh well.

I smirked. Oh well. She would have to make the magic item. Then again, I'm pretty sure it's never happened before.

Puck's POV:

My thoughts instantly went to that cool book that Baba Yaga had when we got there. Like, IT HAS HUMAN SKIN AS A COVER ISN'T THAT SO COOL?!?!

But apparently no one else thought it was cool, and no one brought it up.

I wondered how the magic thingamajig would look. Would it be a coat or something? Or maybe a cool amulet.

If it's a book, I swear I'll kill someone.

Sabrina walked over to Daphne and Bunny. "Can you guys make the magic object or whatever now? We don't have any time to lose."

Daphne glanced at Bunny. The witch shrugged. "It's up to Baba Yaga. If she doesn't agree, then we can't."

But I think Baba Yaga was being nice today. Weirdly. She walked over and sighed, "Fine. Let's get this over with." Then she rolled her eyes.

I wondered if Jake had found any Everafters to help us. They probably wouldn't want to, though.

Suddenly, something occurred to me.

"Guys?" I asked. "If Mirror is gone, then...who's the Master now?"

The Sisters Grimm Truth or Dare: PuckabrinaWhere stories live. Discover now