Chapter 49

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School's kept me really busy and also the book I'm writing! Yes, an actual book. I'm proud. It's going really well so far, and I love my characters so much!

Anyway, hope you enjoy the chappie :)


Daphne's POV:

"Ember!" I caught up with her, panting. She was already standing at Morgan and Mordred's cell.

"What?" she asked. "We don't have too much time."

I frowned at her. "What about the Puck thing? You obviously know what's going on."

She avoided my demanding gaze. "I don't know what you mean."

I snorted. "Right."

When she still didn't answer I rolled my eyes and stepped up to the bars, rapping my hand against one.

"Morgan?" I asked.

She stepped out of the darkness in the back of the cell. "How long do we have?"

"Fifteen minutes at the most."

"That should be enough. Do you want to be able to see them, too, or is just hearing them okay?"

"Whichever one takes less time."

She nodded and raised her hands, an orb of green light spinning between them, and started chanting something.

I rocked back and forth on my heels, waiting impatiently as she continued. It seemed like forever had passed when Morgan sighed in defeat.

"What?" I asked. "What's wrong?"

She shook her head. "I can't reach any of them."

"Why?" I wanted to know. Panic rose up inside of me, thinking of all the horrible things that could happen.

Morgan raised her hands in a placating gesture. "I don't think there's any reason to worry. They're fine, but... it's like they're blocking me off."

I wrung my hands together. "Is there any way you can leave a message so that they can somehow respond?"

Morgan thought about that. "I don't know... I could try..." Her voice faded away as she concentrated.

A couple beats later, she asked, "What do you want me to say?"

"First of all, ask if they're okay. Um, tell them I'm going to try to get Red back, but I'll need their help. Ask them about their progress with Wonderland and Alice."

Morgan looked confused at the last request, but she nodded and closed her eyes. A couple more beats later: "It's done. They'll get it, but I'm not sure if they'll be able to answer, at least not easily."

"As long as they get it."

Ember checked the time on one of the ornate clocks on the stone wall behind us. "All right, I think we should go now."

"Wait." Morgan grasped my hand through the bars. "I know you can do this."

I smiled at her thankfully. "Thanks. I hope I can."

Puck's POV

We skidded to a stop in front of the massive door, and could already hear the angry shouts of the documenters that had spotted us.

"Quick," I gasped out to Sabrina, winded from the fast sprint and the fact that it had made the pain in my shoulders even less bearable.

She frantically looked for somewhere to put in a password, but there wasn't one. Obviously. Otherwise this door would've been opened a long time ago.

"Try knocking," Pin suggested as a fair amount of people were running toward us.

Sabrina looked at him as if he were crazy. "What?"

"Try!" he said impatiently.

She shook her head and knocked six times, paused, three times, paused, then seven times.

We stood back. Nothing happened.

"We're screwed," I said.

"What about the other combination?" Sabrina asked.

She placed her hand back onto the stone entrance, and was about to knock when everything went black.


The burning white light behind my eyelids made me blink. And then gulp in a breath, sitting up abruptly from my position on the scrubbed white floor.

I had enough time to register that Sabrina and Pin were next to me, also getting up, before realizing that the painful burning sensation was only because of the bright white lights on the ceiling.

I'd landed flat on my back. My head ached, but it was nothing compared to the pain where my wings should have been.

I stifled a whimper and looked over to Sabrina, who was blinking, disoriented. She glanced over at me, sat up, and looked around.

We appeared to be in a long whitewashed hallway, with glaringly bright lights shining down on us.

There was no one else there.

Pin got to his feet next to me and looked behind us. "There's no visible entrance," he said quietly, although his voice still echoed. "The only way I see is down this hallway."

Sabrina got to her feet too, and offered me a hand up. I took it, wincing as I straightened up.

She noticed and asked, Are you okay?

I gave her a wry smile. Does it look like it?

Pin frowned at us. "Okay, if we're going to do this, no secrets."

Sabrina raised her eyebrows and he sighed. "It's pretty obvious there's something going on."

She looked at me questioningly, and I copied Pin's sigh before saying, "It's complicated."

"I love complicated," he insisted, crossing his arms. (A/N: Umm that's kinda a quote from a movie sorry,,, IT'S AN AMAZING MOVIE)

I rubbed my eyes wearily. "Fine."

Sabrina turned to me, a surprised expression on her face. Are you sure?

He's bound to find out soon enough. No point hiding it.

She gave a short nod and I continued, "Something happened at the Scarlet Hand's hideout."

Pin's eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean? To who?"

I took a deep breath. "To me. I, uh..." It was fine. I'd told Jake. I could do this. "They...they took my wings." My voice cracked on the last word.

"Took?" Pin frowned. "Like... Oh. Oh." His frown got deeper. "I... Okay. Um, I do no—don't know how to respond to that."

I smiled a bit. "That's the expected reaction." I then cleared my throat. "Well, uh, better find Alice, huh?"

Pin was shaken out of his stupor by those words. He nodded, still looking a little broken up by my revelation, and a determined expression crossed over his face.

"Let's go."

We headed down the hallway, our footsteps the only sound in the cold and sterile corridor.

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