Chapter 25

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I'm on a roll here! I've gotten into a phase of Puck's POV because I'm getting a burst of ideas for what's happening wherever he's at—nope I'm not telling you where he is.

So... here's Chappie 25!

(Also I find it funny how this fanfic was supposed to be just T or D but now it's like this full story and stuff. Idk, just whatever. I bet you want to start reading the chappie. Also, most of you probably didn't feel like reading this. ANYWAY, onto Chapter 25!)


Daphne's POV: (calm down, Puck's will be in a sec)

Sabrina was not okay. Even though Analia told me to give my sister some time alone, I followed Sabrina.

She ran down one of the many corridors in the underground hideout. Sure, I was trying to be a good sister by being there for her, but sometimes I got distracted by the shiny jewels and jems* in the walls.

*see what I did there? Infernal Devices, anyone?

When that happened, I had to stand very still and quiet to find out where Sabrina had went.

I finally peeked around a corner and there she was, absentmindedly tracing the pattern of various colored crystals in the wall in front of her. She was lost in thought, a sad frown on her face. Her shoulders trembled.

I was about to say her name, but then I saw her scrunch her eyebrows together and close her eyes. The star on her brow glowed.

What's she doing? I wondered.

Analia called, "Daphne, White wants to, uh, talk to you." She sounded like she was trying hard not to laugh.

I groaned inwardly and sullenly went back the way I'd come. I have no idea how I found my way back through the maze of tunnels.

I hadn't seen what Sabrina was doing, but maybe she was trying to find out where Puck was by using her new powers somehow? It probably didn't work like that, though.

"What?" I asked.

This White Rabbit looked a lot different than the one from Ferryport Landing, and from the Book of Everafter. But I'd gotten used to that, since the Tweedles didn't look anything like that did in Ferryport. I bet that the Queen of Hearts would look completely different, and if I'd met the White Queen in Ferryport Landing or in New York City or something, she would probably look different too.

"The first problem at hand," Dee said, biting back a laugh and gesturing to White and Elvis.

I also struggled not to burst out laughing when I saw Elvis attacking White with licks while the Rabbit squealed in fright.

Red was trying to pry the huge dog off, but it obviously wasn't working.

"Well, we've definitely got to fix this," I said, trying to keep a straight face, walking forward.

"Ugh, what is all that noise?" a familiar voice complained, coming from the direction of one of the tunnels.

I slowly turned toward the voice, not believing my ears. "Pinocchio?"

Puck's POV:

"Soooooo...where are we going and what are we doing?" I asked Ember nervously.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. You people must be thinking "The great Trickster King Puck is nervous?" But there are reasons, reasons that I didn't want to think about, even though my mind was already going off to the dark hallways.

Ember shushed me. "Shut up," she hissed, and stopped so suddenly I bumped into her.

"What?" I asked, now getting annoyed.

"You never know when they're watching, listening," she whispered.

I looked at her, confused. Was she on my side? Or the Scarlet Hand's side?

"You mean the Scarlet Hand?"

She nodded solemnly. "We have to get out of here. As soon as possible. I originally came here to spy, pretending to side with my brother, but now we have to get you back to the Grimms. You don't want to know what the Hand will do to get answers. And by the way, I was acting back there. Erift was the one behind all the evil things that got him called devil spawn. But as far as anyone else knew, I didn't exist. Erift called me our 'secret weapon.'"

She shrugged. "But yeah, my brother has done some pretty awful things. It's taken all my willpower to not turn into a bear and maul him." (Guys, maul autocorrected to mail the first time I typed this, ooof)

I stared at her. "Okay, assuming I believe you, I have a question. Why did your eyes change colors?"

"Oh." She frowned. "Uh, yeah, about that. When I get excited or happy or whatever, my eyes change to the color of the one you love most's eye color."

"Oh. Never mind then I have no idea what I just said your eyes didn't change color what." I could already feel myself starting to blush.

She grinned, but there was a hint of sadness in her red eyes. She patted my arm. "Hey, it's fine to have a crush."

I turned away. "Can we not talk about this?"

She laughed. "Okay, fine. I'll pretend that never happened. Anyway, do you have an escape plan?"

I blinked. "A...what?"

She rolled her eyes. "And I thought fairies were smart."


"What?" She looked at me innocently.

I frowned. "No, I don't have an escape plan."

"Can't you just, like, fly us out of here?"

"Aren't you a shapeshifter?"

"Yeah, but fairy wings are stronger than other creatures'."

"No, I'm not flying us out of here," I told her.

"Why not?"

I fumbled to come up with an answer. "Uh... aren't we, um, underground?" It was a total guess, but Ember facepalmed and nodded.

"I completely forgot!" she groaned. "Now what?"

"How about you tell me what's going on first? Didn't we defeat the Scarlet Hand?"

Ember shook her head. "You never truly defeated them."

"What do you mean?"

She slid down the stone wall of the tunnel we were in. "This is a long, long story."

"I've got time. As long as I'm not in a cell, I'm good." I faked a laugh.

She grabbed the sleeve of my hoodie and dragged me down to sit next to her; I tried to ignore the flash of pain.

She looked at me worriedly. "Are you okay?"

"What? Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

She frowned and nodded, but I swear I heard her whisper, "Looks like you're good at acting too."

So...yeah. Ember's on the good side! Woo! And also...guys, what's the ship name for Daphne and Pinocchio?


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